New to spotters/digiscoping.

Dr. Zeus

Aug 15, 2021
Hello everyone this is my first post/question to the rokslide forum. I have been interested in buying my first spotter for over a year now.. I recently discovered backwoods pursuit and seen their reviews over various scopes. I appreciated the group review of 19 different spotters and I have narrowed my decision down to either kowa 774/884. I have chosen to get a straight spotter due to living and hunting only in iowa and I will be glassing quite frequently from my truck and would fast target acquisition. Some of the questions I have are below.

1. I have a carbon fiber bog deathgrip. Could I just use that for a spotter tripod by clamping the spotter into it just like you would a gun?

2. What is a good window mount?

3. The kowa does not have arca swiss mounting plate? So what do I need for tripod mount? Do I need an adapter? What mount does the kowa have? (Might sound like dumb question but I don't have anyone to seek advice or gain knowledge about spotters in my area.)

4. Am I making the right decision choosing a straight vs angled?

5. Would like to digiscope with my galaxy s20. I have kowa genesis 44x10.5 and haven't bought a phone scope case or adapter. Is their any universal adapters that I should consider or just get the individual adapter?

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1) thats an interesting idea…i would be hesitant to entrust an optic of that value to one unless i was sure it wouldnt slip out of deathgrip. If i were planning to use one, i would modify a lightweight base plate shaped like a section of a gun stock to screw into the standard threads of the kowa base with a thread screw from a tripod plate.

2) ive been happy with my vortex window mount, im sure theres other good ones out there

3)i run min with a sirui va5 head, the qick connect plate screws into kowa base

4) if fast target acquisition is important to you, probably so. If you are viewing steeply uphill, straight isnt as handy. Most angled can be turned 90 left or right though. Straight packs better. Some people find angled more comfortable after hours of glassing especially in western states.

5) have yet to see a universal that works as well as a custom fit phone skope.

Hope that helps

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@Peregrine1 I seen your 884 in the classifieds. The warranty would be void if scope were to be sold to someone else right? You already registered it?

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Yeah im sure of a way to warranty a Kowa unless you buy brand new from authorized dealer and register it within 30 days…theyre stricter than most on that

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Welcome to RS

As a long standing supporting vendor here on the forum it is our pleasure to discuss this with you to assist you in deciding which is the correct option. Please feel free to give us a call, 516-217-1000
@Peregrine1 found this on a previous thread.

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Welcome to RS

As a long standing supporting vendor here on the forum it is our pleasure to discuss this with you to assist you in deciding which is the correct option. Please feel free to give us a call, 516-217-1000
This is by far your BEST source of info about what your questions are. I have purchased from them and they are easy to talk with.
The idea of putting such an expensive and awesome spotting scope on a Bog DeathGrip is bit off I think and very limiting in utilizing it to pan, etc. I have both the Bog DeathGrip and a Kowa angled 773. I just don't see it working for you. Get a nice tripod and worthy head and you'll love it.
This is by far your BEST source of info about what your questions are. I have purchased from them and they are easy to talk with.
The idea of putting such an expensive and awesome spotting scope on a Bog DeathGrip is bit off I think and very limiting in utilizing it to pan, etc. I have both the Bog DeathGrip and a Kowa angled 773. I just don't see it working for you. Get a nice tripod and worthy head and you'll love it.
The bog deathgrip idea was mainly an idea I had to save a little coin once I bought something expensive as an 884. It was only to be used as a temporary tripod until finances could be put towards a more permanent tripod.

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@Hunt30 I'm interested in the 884 but I can't comment on your post yet. Text me at 5153705313

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Limited experience with spotting scope but I recently bought an angled one. I'm struggling to find what I'm looking for with it! I can't believe it. I thought angled was the way to go.