- Joined
- Aug 27, 2013
- Location
- Massachusetts
“Trad” has so many might be worth exploring these before you pick a style.
i know instinctive aim guys using very primitve gear, and they are successful on whjtetails and hunts where they can setup for a sub 20yd-ish shot. These guys shoot pie plate 15 yd groups... but kill game and have fun without overthinking it. Consistent accuracy is tough, I regularly hear their arrows rattling thriugh the woods on our club 3D archery range.
On the orher end of the spectrum is shooters that use the best ILF gear available and strive for technical perfection. Ive shot with some of these guys and their form is perfect, their repeatable is accuracy amazing.
I like to hit what I’m aiming I’m somewhere in between- grin
I've definitely decided high level for my first: ILF Recurve - 17" Satori was my impulse buy. Looking at long limbs / 62" length, my draw will probably be somewhere around 29". Going to shoot for my first set of limbs to come in 35-40#.
I think this is a pretty good starting point for me, I tend to be more OCD about tuning and setup on the compound side, easy to swap limbs, and I'm the type that wants to be pretty competent at whatever I do... Who knows if I go more primitive down the road...
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