Noob Questions

This^ wish someone had told me to start lower and work on my form over just hoping to draw the heaviest thing

I stayed with samick sage for years til got a few then upgraded to nicer custom recurve and still havnt made the switch over but from shooting friends Hoyt satoris that will be the next in my collection

I’m hearing this pretty consistently about starting light. I’m sure I’ll have enough frustration to deal with starting out without also having to worry about limbs that are too heavy

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I’m hearing this pretty consistently about starting light. I’m sure I’ll have enough frustration to deal with starting out without also having to worry about limbs that are too heavy

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Welcome to the world of trad. The highs and lows of target practice and 3d just became much more emotional. You have plenty to start bare shaft tune/ mess w spines / foc/ the rabbit holes get longer and longer. But you get to enjoy something that brings you even closer to the joy and experience of each kill. I lost the feeling of excitement and rush from compounds and made the change. Still hunt w compound but it let me fall back in love with the process and inconsistency of me whether it’s hunting target or friendly wagers on 3d
Welcome to the world of trad. The highs and lows of target practice and 3d just became much more emotional. You have plenty to start bare shaft tune/ mess w spines / foc/ the rabbit holes get longer and longer. But you get to enjoy something that brings you even closer to the joy and experience of each kill. I lost the feeling of excitement and rush from compounds and made the change. Still hunt w compound but it let me fall back in love with the process and inconsistency of me whether it’s hunting target or friendly wagers on 3d

Appreciate the honesty man. I’m mentally preparing myself for frustrations. I feel a little more confident having some experience with building arrows and what goes into that. One less piece to the puzzle that I’m starting from scratch

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Oh it’s a fun game to play. Before you know it you’ll have 20 bows in the stable and the wife asking questions. Oh no dear a fella gave me this one or I traded for it

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Oh it’s a fun game to play. Before you know it you’ll have 20 bows in the stable and the wife asking questions. Oh no dear a fella gave me this one or I traded for it

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I count it as a win even being able to get into this to begin with haha

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I love trad bows, but it’s not something you can go at half assed.

I have a hunt coming up, late season in Arizona and I have not been shooting much for the last 6-8 weeks. With my compound, I could pick the thing up after not shooting that long and shoot a 6 inch group at 40 yards.

I shot my recurve yesterday and with my first couple rounds was lucky to keep all my arrows on a large pizza plate at 20y.

. You not only have to shoot a lot…but also continually work on alignment and shot process. 👍🏼
I love trad bows, but it’s not something you can go at half assed.

I have a hunt coming up, late season in Arizona and I have not been shooting much for the last 6-8 weeks. With my compound, I could pick the thing up after not shooting that long and shoot a 6 inch group at 40 yards.

I shot my recurve yesterday and with my first couple rounds was lucky to keep all my arrows on a large pizza plate at 20y.

. You not only have to shoot a lot…but also continually work on alignment and shot process.

Sounds about right haha. My expectations are starting pretty low. I know Tom clum has his program that he sells, but are you aware of any resources that could help walk me through creating my shot process? The last thing I want is to jump ahead of myself and start creating bad habits, when I could have started slower and formed good habits by mastering one thing at a time

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Plenty of free resources; YouTube channels, Jake Kaminsky [breaks it down in painful detail] The Push, Jimmy Blackmon, Arne Moe is very good [RIP] and many others. The Trad threads on Archery Talk. Old shooting threads on Trad Talk- [last couple years its garbage]

The Masters of the Barebow CDs #1, and #3 was very good. Heck just watching the greats shoot 3D is good.

Then ignore anyone shooting with a hunched over style of grip and rip.....plenty of those guys.
Plenty of free resources; YouTube channels, Jake Kaminsky [breaks it down in painful detail] The Push, Jimmy Blackmon, Arne Moe is very good [RIP] and many others. The Trad threads on Archery Talk. Old shooting threads on Trad Talk- [last couple years its garbage]

The Masters of the Barebow CDs #1, and #3 was very good. Heck just watching the greats shoot 3D is good.

Then ignore anyone shooting with a hunched over style of grip and rip.....plenty of those guys.

Sweet I’ll keep those in mind. I learned a ton just from watching the Push’s documentary and a seminar from Tom Clum, I’ll check out the other ones. Thank you

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