I have hunted that unit for six years and have found a half dozen or so spots that consistently hold elk. I can tell you there are many weekends, especially early, that I hike many miles at multiple different spots without hearing anything or seeing much. I just found a place last weekend I am calling elk heaven. Didn’t see a boot print, bumped elk, saw a ton of sign and it was freaking gorgeous. I am taking my best friend and long time hunting partner of 20 plus years there, and I even had reservations about telling him.
I don’t question your story or motives, but unfortunately too many guys before you have ruined it. I had a guy on a Facebook lake cascade group pm me after I posted some slabs we had landed. He gave me his life story and a big sob fest about how he was out there all day without a bite, before asking where I was fishing and what I was using. I told him my basic technique and what I was using. The dude never even replied or said thank you. Never again. Sadly you are probably going to have to take your lumps until you can burn enough boot leather to find some good places. Good luck.