New Tikka T3X Superlite

I have a T3 .300 WM

Great rifles.

Mine wears a Sako Hunter pattern Mcmillan, and a fixed 10X SWFA MIL/MIL.

It shoots pretty good with 165 grain Sierra HPBT GKs. Normally I would not bother with that projectile in a .300, due to its poor BC, but it has proven to do well out to the mid ranges. In fact here is a group I fired on a rock, after confirming dope on some steel a bit closer. The rock was a shade past 600. The group was a bit under 3"s for 3 shots.

I no way shape or form will I say it will do it "every time", as that is a sub .5 MOA group, but the load has shown to average around 3/4 MOA.

In this pic, you can see the 600+ yard rock formation above and to the left of the rifle.

IN regards to the SWFA.

I am a big proponent of high quality optics, and am a Nightforce fan. That said, this SWFA tracks well, is clear, repeatable, and in 2 seasons of elk hunting (and 2 cow elk), along with shooting in the off season, I will say that I am impressed with the SWFA.
Crappy picture of this elk and the rifle but at a shade past 400, it did its job.

This angle makes this cow look gangly.
She was a healthy girl. And heavy.
They seem to get heavier every year.

Good looking gun and shooting! Congrats on the critters with it too!! They are impressive guns for sure.
I took my '06 out for it's first run today. I mounted a VX2 2-7 scope, bore sighted & broke the barrel in. I shoot 3, cleaned, then shot 10 rounds, cooling & swabbing between each. I was a little disappointed in the accuracy during this break in shooting factory Winchester 150s (cheap...) My 10 shoot group was around 4" but I wasn't expecting miracles. It was centered 2" high at 100.
After a couple of hours resting it up & doing more load development for my .308 I put another 10 through it at 200, this time Federal blue box 150s
The first 3 were a little high but 3 clicks down put me at a dead zero. The next 7, shot fairly quickly, grouped into just under 1½"!

I'm really loving shooting my T3x so far!