New Tikka Ace

I generally agree with you, its like the RPR which sold a bunch but wasn't particular great for any competition or hunting discipline. Tikka's UPR is already a better version for NRL hunter and hunting IMO. This might be preferred by the guys who just shoot a bit and want a bolt rifle and think chassis are cool.

Another thing i didn't notice at first - it looks like the 'game' version uses 5 and 6 rd standard tikka plastic mags which seems like a miss for this application. Why not use the CTR mags like the Target version? If a guy wants 10 rd mags for competition with the Game model he might have to look at dropping $100+ for waters rifleman mags.
The bottom metal/mag well is interchangable. Not sure what the cost is, but you could swap from single stack to CTR mags.
You can swap the magwell in the Game model to accept CTR mags at least

Are the tikka mags all that and a bag of chips? I wonder what keeps them from going to AICS. Or are the ctr mags aics pattern?

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Are the tikka mags all that and a bag of chips? I wonder what keeps them from going to AICS. Or are the ctr mags aics pattern?

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My CTR mags feed like butter. I use AICS and CTR mags in my Tikka rifles, the CTR are a lot shorter than even the 10 round MDT mags.
Are the tikka mags all that and a bag of chips? I wonder what keeps them from going to AICS. Or are the ctr mags aics pattern?

They are an existing part that they use in a bunch of rifles already. Vs AICS they are shorter for same # of rounds. Not AICS pattern but i know folks have modified CTR mag wells to work with AICS. I've seen where people say they feed smoother but also where they say they are less reliable with debris. I've always just used tikkas in chassis that took AICS so no direct experience.
I am excited to see a Tikka chassis - It looks like it is very modular by design... and noting how much aftermarket support Tikka has, I would suspect before too long there will be a ton of aftermarket options to customize this exactly how you want it. It looks like a carbon fiber forend and a different stock setup would all be very possible.

I have been looking for a .223 chassis setup to plink with, this may be what I purchase. If you were to ask me why.. simple, I like Tikka, I already own several, I use the tikka magazines, it would allow to me swap to any other caliber if wanted... makes my life easy.
Are the tikka mags all that and a bag of chips? I wonder what keeps them from going to AICS. Or are the ctr mags aics pattern?

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The single stack Tikka mags are a simple and reliable design is all. Nothing overly fancy. I've placed an order for several Waters Tikka mags for a bunch of guns (expensive bill). Looking forward to using them as they have great reviews from anyone who's used them.
This is a step in the right direction. This seems like a big improvement from the TAC A1 ergonomics at a good price point. There really wasn’t a way to get a thumb shelf on a Tac A1 mostly because of the AR buffer stock/folder attachment.

It sucks that Tikka keeps ignoring the modern 6mm rounds. I know they are always slow on it but 6mm creedmoor isn’t new, it’s just gotten more popular. The Saami spec is from 2017 on 6mm creedmoor.

I could be wrong but this rifle is likely too heavy for NRL hunter and too light for PRS.

I don’t understand why Tikka puts 2 stage triggers on some offerings and single stage on others. I’d prefer single stage for all of them but that’s user preference. 2 stage is certainly more common for professional use but I thought single stage was more common in competition. I guess the upside is the 2 stage factory tikka triggers go for way more on the used market than single stage ones.
This is a step in the right direction. This seems like a big improvement from the TAC A1 ergonomics at a good price point. There really wasn’t a way to get a thumb shelf on a Tac A1 mostly because of the AR buffer stock/folder attachment.

It sucks that Tikka keeps ignoring the modern 6mm rounds. I know they are always slow on it but 6mm creedmoor isn’t new, it’s just gotten more popular. The Saami spec is from 2017 on 6mm creedmoor.

I could be wrong but this rifle is likely too heavy for NRL hunter and too light for PRS.

I don’t understand why Tikka puts 2 stage triggers on some offerings and single stage on others. I’d prefer single stage for all of them but that’s user preference. 2 stage is certainly more common for professional use but I thought single stage was more common in competition. I guess the upside is the 2 stage factory tikka triggers go for way more on the used market than single stage ones.

Who makes a good Tikka 2 stage? My Howa has me liking 2 stages.
I watched the vid. Seemed like some solid features for the price. Adjustable pad. Adjustable grip. Machined Arca. Swap able magwell.

You would think the Finn's would know better than to make a hunting stock/chassis out of metal...

Makes my hands cold just thinking about it.
I was using a metal chassis in -10* the other day. With windchill it was -25*. I’ve personally never had an issue hunting in cold weather with a metal chassis nor have the people I hunt with.
The GunsAmerica guy said that there’s allegedly a “lightweight hunter” version of this coming?

I’d be interested to see wtf he’s talking about cause I see nothing from Tikka anywhere.
The GunsAmerica guy said that there’s allegedly a “lightweight hunter” version of this coming?

I’d be interested to see wtf he’s talking about cause I see nothing from Tikka anywhere.
I'm curious about that comment too. Probably talking about the T1X version though
During range day at SHOT, when introducing the ACE, Tikka said all their rifles going forward will be threaded 5/8x24
All? So will they be increasing the barrel diameter of the t3x lites and super lites to accommodate or just a flare at the end?