New rifle


Mar 17, 2013
Looking to put together a new 300 wm this spring for extended range elk and bear hunting. Hoping to be in the $1500 range for the gun optics and accessories separate. Wanting to hit the middle of the weight range. Potentially putting a can on it in the future.

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What does put together for $1500 mean? Are you expecting rifle and optics for that price?
With a $1500 rifle budget I would say look at a Christensen Arms Mesa. Will you be reloading?
I’d take a real hard look at a Bergara Ridge rifle and that’ll even leave $700 of your rifle budget that you can put towards even better glass

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Looking to put together a new 300 wm this spring for extended range elk and bear hunting. Hoping to be in the $1500 range for the gun optics and accessories separate. Wanting to hit the middle of the weight range. Potentially putting a can on it in the future.

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Not trying to be jerk. I suggest splitting that second sentence into two sentences. Sorry for being a grammar Nazi. I read it three times before I understood. Maybe I'm just dumb.
I would have bought a fierce fury from cabelas.

They were only 1499 or 1599 last week. I dont know of they still are or not.

If not then comparing the Browning speed line, CA Mesa, Bergera Hunter or Ridge and maybe even the HMR. You can also do a standard Winchester, Savage, or Reminton for less and bed it and possible get the same results.

I didnt list Tikka due to known OAL concerns with heavy bullets and reloading. The others may or may not have this problem as well.

At 1500 you have a lot of options short of full custom.

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Another issue I have with a $1500 win mag is that I cant seem to find a factory gun with a 26 inch barrel outside of the browning. I am not find of their rotary mags so I am left no options for a perfect factory choice.

Go figure right
There are lots of good options for that price, in my humble opinion, depending on your definition of "extended range". Two close friends just purchased Browning Hells Canyon rifles in the last couple of months, both in 300 wm and both right about $1000 or just a shade under with the rebate Browning was offering. One is the Hells Canyon Speed and one is the Hells Canyon Long Range. Only real difference is the heavier barrel on the LR. Both are shooting great. I picked up a Christensen Ridgeline at Cabelas about a year ago during a 20% off opportunity and it is currently shooting great for me. Price out the door was around $1400. You can even build one heck of a nice Thompson Center Encore (or similar rifle) for your price. Have MGM or Bullberry build you a custom barrel for it and it should drive tacks. I built a .280 rem in an Encore platform and it shot 1/2moa out to 300yds. Never had a chance to stretch it out properly.

I've been seeing these guys popping up here & there in some talks online lately. I've never had first hand experience with them myself. They are guaranteeing sub moa accuracy in your price range. May be worth taking a look? Exodus Rifles Inc. - OTM Tactical

Shaw Precision Rifles seem to stand behind their rifles from what I hear. They are online. Build out of Bridgeville , PA. You can customize a rifle through them for $1500 or less , I'm sure. Here is a link to part of their site.

Your options are wide open!! Best of luck and looking forward to seeing what you build.
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Looking to put together a new 300 wm this spring for extended range elk and bear hunting. Hoping to be in the $1500 range for the gun optics and accessories separate. Wanting to hit the middle of the weight range. Potentially putting a can on it in the future.

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Man do yourself a serious favor and get a 30 Nosler, slightly faster than a win mag and much better case design. Brass will be available from ADG around shot show.
I've owned a 300 win and it's not forgiving to load for, had lots of issues with case expansion above the belt after 2-3 firings.
It can take extra work to size belted cases correctly, plus the 300 win has a super short neck making tension less forgiving, and is associated with faster throat erosion.
Just my experience, but seriously do some research you're spending the money make sure you do it right.
I have had great luck with the Remington 700 5R in 300 WM. They can be found for well under $1K and mine have shot lights out. Pre threaded which is a bonus. And there is no ammo shortage or the PITA of trying to hunt down proprietary brass.
My go to rifle always seems to be a .300 Win Mag when I'm going after anything that I am serious about. I already owned 4 rifles in .300 WM and yet this summer, with a good Idaho bull elk tag in hand, I felt the "NEED" for a new rifle and you guessed it, it was in .300 Win Mag.
I would have bought a fierce fury from cabelas.

They were only 1499 or 1599 last week. I dont know of they still are or not.

If not then comparing the Browning speed line, CA Mesa, Bergera Hunter or Ridge and maybe even the HMR. You can also do a standard Winchester, Savage, or Reminton for less and bed it and possible get the same results.

I didnt list Tikka due to known OAL concerns with heavy bullets and reloading. The others may or may not have this problem as well.

At 1500 you have a lot of options short of full custom.

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Another issue I have with a $1500 win mag is that I cant seem to find a factory gun with a 26 inch barrel outside of the browning. I am not find of their rotary mags so I am left no options for a perfect factory choice.

Go figure right

Lots of guys miss the boat on this.

Most every knows that the T3s are all one action size.

The mags however are in multiple sizes, 308, 30-06 etc.


If you want to long load a .308, simply purchase a 30-06 mag and use it. I have shot 208s, and 220s out of a couple of my .308 T3s by swapping out mags with my T3 .300WM magazine.

In your case, and the WSM simply use a different magazine if you want to long load.
That's a good point. Simply change the bolt stop if needed and use a 300 WM magazine to be able to load long.

If you want the additional 50 to 100 fps of the win mag though this wont work and the barrel is still 24"

The 30 nosler is a good option and usually comes with 26" barrels