New member from NC

Feb 16, 2025
Greetings - I have spent so much time reading posts on this site lately, decided it was time to join. I am putting together a new rifle setup and suppressor, so nearly every search for detailed information seems to lead back here.

I primarily hunt whitetails and black bear in NC. Most of those are at close range, but I have some new opportunities to hunt and want to improve my shooting at longer ranges during this off-season. I am a fan of Marlin lever guns, which got me into reloading, and have enjoyed going down that rabbit hole for several years.

Looking forward to joining the discussions here.

Welcome from the west coast. My first deer rifle was a Marlin lever gun. Picked it up at Kmart. How times have changed. Regret selling it.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new NC member.
