Here's one for you!


Sep 30, 2023
So I take a new Tikka T3X lite, 7mm-08 to the range on Friday. The gun has a SWFA 3-9 on it that I had on another gun, all bolts degreased and loc tighten in place a month ago. Range master and myself pulled the bolt, bore sighted the gun on a steel diamond plate at 100 yards. 1st shot nailed the steel. Loaded another round, nailed the steel.....except it was a bowling pin steel 3 feet to the left!!!! I thought someone else had shot, so I chambered another round, hit steel again.....the bowling pin. I thought someone else was shooting, I racked another round aimed at the diamond again and hit the bowling pin. In total disbelief, I pulled the bolt and sure enough had to move the reticle right 1 full revolution to get back to original bore sighted.

Range went cold, I threw a target up and shot 15 more rounds adjusting the reticle to the middle. Waited 20 minutes and shot a .49" group with 132 HHT bullets over 46 grains of CFE223.

I cleaned the gun the night before the range and I didn't have any issues after re-bore sighting.

WTH happened! Should I trust this scope?

How positive are you that your first shot hit the diamond? The occam's razor of this situation is that your first shot hit the bowling pin and you thought it hit the diamond. Then your other rounds went to the same place. Has that been ruled out?
How positive are you that your first shot hit the diamond? The occam's razor of this situation is that your first shot hit the bowling pin and you thought it hit the diamond. Then your other rounds went to the same place. Has that been ruled out?
This is exactly what I thought after reading
I can’t fully rule that out but I’m 90% sure I hit the diamond, but I hadn’t thought of that one, which is for sure a valid explanation.
I would just try a tracking test and stretch it out. If there is doubt in your mind I would send the scope in for warranty work as nothing is worse than doubt when your about to pull the trigger.
In the future, you may want to bore sight in this manner much closer. I did the same with my rifle at around 25 yards a couple weeks ago. I had it as stable as a I could on a front and rear bag, and when I shot the first round at 100 yards, I was still .5 mils high and .5 mils right. Bore sighting the old fashioned way at 100 yards may cause even more variation.