New pack hint on the Exo site.

Same here. Any new info?

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Nothing new as far as I know, 6400 bag reveal probably soon. I hope preorder/order is right around the corner because I am packless until mine comes in and if that extends to late Aug, then I'm in trouble
It may be super annoying to wait but I'd rather wait and get a complete product that's been well tested. Exo has also done the preorder thing and it didn't work well. This time around they don't plan on selling it to you until it's in stock ready to ship. It sucks for you guys without packs at the moment but if you jump on it when they release I'm sure you'll have your pack in a matter of days thereafter.

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It may be super annoying to wait but I'd rather wait and get a complete product that's been well tested. Exo has also done the preorder thing and it didn't work well. This time around they don't plan on selling it to you until it's in stock ready to ship. It sucks for you guys without packs at the moment but if you jump on it when they release I'm sure you'll have your pack in a matter of days thereafter.

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Mark said it shouldn't be an issue to get me a pack........I'm just nervous about it because I have no plan b if it doesn't work out. I am still holding out for a k3 and I'm sure it will be a well-tested tip tier pack and everything will work out
Let's just be honest, their bags are awesome, the new K3/bags look nothing short of excellent, however this business of waiting until the last minute to release them is poorly planned on their part.
Im not sure they are gonna be shipping as soon as they start taking orders. Release in late June with shipping in July is what they've said repeatedly

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It's possible I'm mistaken but I thought I remember listening to a podcast where they said they weren't selling until they had stock on hand. I guess we'll see how it plays out. I don't need a new pack at the moment so I'm more following along out of curiosity as I'll likely try the k3 out at some point.

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I think the K3 frame is going to be a great frame and a step up from the K2 but...

I think they should’ve left the bags the way they were. Maybe a few minor added features but overall the 2018 bags were great the way they were.

I’m sure the new bags will also be well designed but introducing a new frame and bags probably was a little too much logistically.
It's possible I'm mistaken but I thought I remember listening to a podcast where they said they weren't selling until they had stock on hand. I guess we'll see how it plays out. I don't need a new pack at the moment so I'm more following along out of curiosity as I'll likely try the k3 out at some point.

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I'll add to all this and say that I've talked on the phone, emailed them, and listened to the podcast and there is definitely going to be a preorder in late June to anyone who is on the email list.
Let's just be honest, their bags are awesome, the new K3/bags look nothing short of excellent, however this business of waiting until the last minute to release them is poorly planned on their part.

Do you know for a fact this was there plan?
Just like Tyson said everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face.
Do you know for a fact this was there plan?
Just like Tyson said everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face.
No I do not know that for a fact, if it was planned, poor decision. If it was not planned, then bad luck on their part. Either way they are losing some customers. What I do know is a couple guys I know have already decided not to roll the dice and wait.
No I do not know that for a fact, if it was planned, poor decision. If it was not planned, then bad luck on their part. Either way they are losing some customers. What I do know is a couple guys I know have already decided not to roll the dice and wait.

Just seems like alot of doom and gloom in the thread.
I highly doubt this was a planned strategy for a small company.
And I commend them for being willing to take a loss to make sure the products meet their standards.
Mark just got his final product prototype last week.
And they said on the podcast they sent about 10 out for final testing. And they just wanted to triple check everything was solid.
And they have k2s in stock for the worried.
Everyone is acting like k2s are old junk all of a sudden.
I'm not concerned with a 2oz weight difference, I wanna know how stiff the frame is torsionally. The reason I still like the first gen frame is how it moved with you, the K2 got noticeably stiffer side to side and I can definitely tell a difference in side hilling or crossing dead fall in stiffness. Is the new frame stiffer than the K2?

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I much preferred the first frame over the second as well.
Let's just be honest, their bags are awesome, the new K3/bags look nothing short of excellent, however this business of waiting until the last minute to release them is poorly planned on their part.
Is it? Seems like most are rabid about these new packs and they are cutting no where close to any seasons. It's just funny how everyone goes nuts over these new pack releases. It's not like any of these packs are going to give you magical skills to kill critters or make 100lbs feel like 20 to your legs and lungs...
I do hope they come out with info soon. I am a member of the exo mountain facebook page and they posted photos there first after numerous members were sorta threatening to go elsewhere unless we saw some sneak peaks. Then they posted them on Instagram and facebook and made the podcast discussing the changes. I can understand a lot of companies are not on board with the whole pre order thing because then you have alot of customers end up canceling orders, have to give money back and end up miss projecting how many you need. However I would really like to see videos and detailed explanations of all the changes, I am willing to wait a month or so for delivery after ordering as long as I know what I am really getting. I have owned two of there packs, sold the 5500 and purchased a cavern and kifaru duplex lite frame which I will also probably sell because just doesn't fit my body very well. I am considering going the stone glacier route if we don't get updates soon or if it looks like these will take a few months from now for delivery. I really WANT to spend my money with Exo but they are just making it very difficult.
I wish I still had my 2014 frame. I'm in the minority on this one, I really have no interest in the new frame setup, and nothing about the bags are getting me all giddy either. I don't understand everyone getting so worked up over backpacks. Time they're wasting on asking for updates and pictures could be better spent on Google Earth scouting. They'll have the latest pack with absolutely no idea where to take it. Monday's podcast will be the self congratulatory pat on the back for surviving the Death Hike, and teasers about how much everyone loved the new set ups. Marketing 101.

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