Not sure they do. With quotas so high and all they push is opportunity I’m not real sure it’s called good management.
I’ll preface this by saying no matter what state your in, I think most would agree that big game is not managed to its potential. Heard it since I started hunting at age 12, and will likely hear it the rest of my life. In regards to Montana, I see your stance as one that they give out too many tags. I’m not a biologist, so I tend to take their word for it. That said if there’s no does in my yard, I’m also not shooting the only one coming in, so to speak.
That said this year all I went on was doe tags, buddy had a buck tag. I’d like to share with you, in case you don’t know how currently non residents get b tags. B tag draw dosnt happen till late due to them wanting to see how the winter goes for the deer. You apply for a single b tag, region and or zone specific. You might draw one tag. Excess no longer go on sale, there is a second draw. While in the past guys could get 5 doe tags, it was not like that this year.
In regards to doe tags. I try to be a responsible hunter, I’m not going to shoot a bunch of doe in an area I see struggling. That said, hunting this year we had in excess of 100 doe counted in 3 days. Number of different bucks was in the single digits. I had no issues taking the couple doe I did.
That said asking for limited opportunity, so certain people experiences are better is also shooting ourselves in the foot.
I’m not trying to sound like a dick but I get fired up, regardless of state, when people want to limit hunting opportunity more even though a big game herd is healthy.
And in regards to Instagram and that bullshit, don’t even have one. I hunt for myself only and as you can see appreciate the meat so much that I would drive to Montana to shoot two doe. People have forgotten what hunting is about. Limiting opportunity for bigger bucks no matter what way you cut it is one hunter wanting more opportunity at the expense of another.
Just some food for thought from a responsible respectful non resident that gets cocksuckered by others for the plates on my truck.