New MT Mule Deer Rifle Season

I think you're underestimating the amount of NR hunters that only hunt MT because its a general season rut hunt. Remove the rut and I'd assume (much like alot of opinions in this thread... assumptions) that NR pressure would reduce. If ruts removed there are other states to hunt in OCT that provide the same if not more public land and some may argue better genetics.

I don't know any NR hunter that hunts MT in October for mule deer with a rifle.
I don't think NR traffic would reduce the number of tags issued each year is the same for NR. Resident OTC deer tags are not limited. With growing population of residents = more resident hunters in the field.
My solution was to rifle hunt for a few weeks in October and archery hunt in November. That doesn't shorten seasons, that changes the opportunity type and relieves the resource significantly. I don't see how that's a bad thing
i do it gives more opportunity to those that hunt archery and less for those of us that hunt rifle and does nothing to stop hunting bucks in the rut

you already have a month long season for archery now you
want another 3 weeks ?? i don't think so skippy nice try
heres an idea move archery to general season do away with the separate archery season all together now that would be fair
if its legal and in season i don't care if its a doe fawn buck bull cow calf fork horn 4 point or a 25 point bull or buck if its legal and i have 1 tag or 10 tags I'm gonna kill it ill stop killing when every last tag i have is filled weather its 1 tag or 25 doe tags i hunt to fill my freezers not to hang horns on the wall
I'm one of the MONTANA RESIDENTS you all hate I'm an opportunity hunter i don't give 2 chits about quality ,head gear or genetics doesn't mean squat to me i don't care if it has 30 inch spread or 2 spikes you can barely see or a flat top if its legal and in range its DEAD
I'm one of the MONTANA RESIDENTS you all hate I'm an opportunity hunter i don't give 2 chits about quality ,head gear or genetics doesn't mean squat to me i don't care if it has 30 inch spread or 2 spikes you can barely see or a flat top if its legal and in range its DEAD
I don't hate anyone in Montana that I know of, but I agree with you on the headgear. Way overrated. Nobody else cares about the antlers you've brought home. You may think they do, but in reality they don't.
Since every day of archery is potentially reducing my chance of seeing let alone killing anything, let's try -- pick your weapon and corresponding season. I have no shoulders left hence archery is no longer an option for me. I quit it years ago because the meat was more valuable than the experience and battling the yellow jackets, flies and souring meat made it less than enjoyable.
Ill fight against any bill that takes away oppurtunity and gives preference to a chosen few who only care about the size of the head gear
You want horns GO HUNT COLORADO they put more b/,c bucks in the record books every year then any state in the lower 48
Lor of members on here have truely forgetten what HUNTING & tradition is about
I'm one of the MONTANA RESIDENTS you all hate I'm an opportunity hunter i don't give 2 chits about quality ,head gear or genetics doesn't mean squat to me i don't care if it has 30 inch spread or 2 spikes you can barely see or a flat top if its legal and in range its DEAD
You quoted me but somehow managed to miss quote me, I never typed what you attributed to me. Looks like you tried to quote me then typed in your message in the quote box there bud.
Hunting for the "horns" isnt about inches of antler for me, its about the difficulty and the age class. Shooting a mature 6+ old deer is far more rewarding and healthier for herd. Shooting spikes and forkies every year is like shooting fish in a barrel easy and takes away from future age class and overall herd health.

Ive capitalized on two late November mule deer hunts in MT. Passed on many younger deer and came away with two 4.5-5.5 year olds. Both were from pounding deep dark timber and sub 70 yard shot ranges. I like the opportunity but would probably support a shorter season.