New "MOUNTAIN WARRIOR" pack from Kifaru

Luke if ours come off the assembly line (sewing machine) beside each other does that mean we can have them reunite for a hunt in Alaska?
Luke if ours come off the assembly line (sewing machine) beside each other does that mean we can have them reunite for a hunt in Alaska?

HAHA….don't know about a hunting trip but can get a pack raft in that thing and we can hike in and float out a river or two and maybe find a black bear or something ;)
HAHA….don't know about a hunting trip but can get a pack raft in that thing and we can hike in and float out a river or two and maybe find a black bear or something ;)
I'll carry the damn raft by hand if I can tag along..... I'll throw in a 30 pack to boot
This is no lie *shakes head*

Come on up!!! Need to do a RokSlide group packraft trip!! 5 days, maybe Larry B will give us some good rental rates on some PR-49s since it wouldn't be during hunting season and he would no doubt sell a couple after you folks used them. :)
I'll be up in May with my dad for a bear hunt. I wasn't planning on bringing the raft along though but you never know...
Sorry guys, but I screwed up on what I posted earlier on the pack size. I had too much shtuff going on at one time:)

The main bag of the Mountain Warrior is 4,800 (slightly larger than DT2). The additional pocket on the Mountain Warrior makes it a good bit larger than the DT2.

Hope that makes sense and sorry for the confusion.

Alright, now I'm really confused!!! So the volume listed for the MW is just the main bag size and the volume listed for the DT2 is the main bag, side slot pockets and back pockets combined?!
If so, could you give me a breakdown of the separate volumes on the DT2 - main bag, side slot pockets and back pouches only.
Could you also give me the volume of the main bag on the DT1 with snow collar removed (I assumed the slot and back pouches are the same size as DT2).