New Mexico bear new guy

Sep 12, 2024
I'm wanting to try for new Mexico bear next season (2025). New to Western hunting in general, been hunting east tx my whole life. I've started rucking and doing some hikes in Arkansas just trying to get in shape for it. Anyways I think I've narrowed it down to trying for the Pecos wilderness area in the Santa Fe national forest. From what I understand there's a 2 week any methods season at the end of August and I'm thinking about going during that time frame next year. My plan is to find a glassing point and pretty much wing it from there. I guess the point of this post is just to get any general tips I can thanks!
I think you can use a thermal spotter as long as you are only doing it during the day time. NM is one of the only western states like this. Call the wardens to make sure.
I can only speak for CO bear hunting, but if you can find the food, you will find the bears. I ended up killing a bear this year just by glassing food sources. The berries on this one hill were a lot further along (in terms of ripeness) than any of the immediate surrounding hills. Pay close attention as you hike into your spot, looking for the acorns/berries/grass or whatever they should be eating that time of year.

Not sure if NM is vastly different, but I have had success locating bears this way.
Yessir that is my go to plan, I've just never really been in that type of country so the whole thing will be a learning experience and I'm not expecting much really. I have been trying to pay attention in the mountains of Arkansas to what I can find. I've ran across a few berry bushes and tried to note what kind of stuff they're growing in but idk if that will translate in New Mexico or not
I'm wanting to try for new Mexico bear next season (2025). New to Western hunting in general, been hunting east tx my whole life. I've started rucking and doing some hikes in Arkansas just trying to get in shape for it. Anyways I think I've narrowed it down to trying for the Pecos wilderness area in the Santa Fe national forest. From what I understand there's a 2 week any methods season at the end of August and I'm thinking about going during that time frame next year. My plan is to find a glassing point and pretty much wing it from there. I guess the point of this post is just to get any general tips I can thanks!
I've applied for an April 15th - May 20th, 2025, non-resident, 1x Bear draw in unit 55A, ("Any Legal Sporting Arm").

There are several units available in the application process. Having no experience in any of them, I selected "55A" randomly.

Your, "find a glassing point and pretty much wing it from there", is also my plan.

I'll update you with any information on my application status and fact findings.

It appears that a large % of the land within 55A is privately owned. Respecting this private land ownership is my main concern.

I already have a NM, non-resident hunting license and the application for bear draw was $13.00

New Mexico Unit 55A is located near Colorado, 60 miles west of Raton, NM.

Search: Eagle Nest Lake, Valle Vidal

New Mexico Unit 55A is located near Colorado, 60 miles west of Raton, NM.

" Also known as the ‘Home of the Browns’ the lake provides year round fishing for Trout and Salmon. The howl of the coyotes can be heard and the tracks of the elk, deer, bear and mountain lions will be found frequently..."
I've applied for an April 15th - May 20th, 2025, non-resident, 1x Bear draw in unit 55A, ("Any Legal Sporting Arm").

There are several units available in the application process. Having no experience in any of them, I selected "55A" randomly.

Your, "find a glassing point and pretty much wing it from there", is also my plan.

I'll update you with any information on my application status and fact findings.

It appears that a large % of the land within 55A is privately owned. Respecting this private land ownership is my main concern.

I already have a NM, non-resident hunting license and the application for bear draw was $13.00

New Mexico Unit 55A is located near Colorado, 60 miles west of Raton, NM.

Search: Eagle Nest Lake, Valle Vidal

New Mexico Unit 55A is located near Colorado, 60 miles west of Raton, NM.

" Also known as the ‘Home of the Browns’ the lake provides year round fishing for Trout and Salmon. The howl of the coyotes can be heard and the tracks of the elk, deer, bear and mountain lions will be found frequently..."
Sweet good luck I didn't know New Mexico did a spring bear draw that's awesome
I can only speak for CO bear hunting, but if you can find the food, you will find the bears. I ended up killing a bear this year just by glassing food sources. The berries on this one hill were a lot further along (in terms of ripeness) than any of the immediate surrounding hills. Pay close attention as you hike into your spot, looking for the acorns/berries/grass or whatever they should be eating that time of year.

Not sure if NM is vastly different, but I have had success locating bears this way.
Finding the food to find the bears applies everywhere in my experience and what I have heard from others.
Doesn't Arkansas have a bunch of bears? Think it may have a higher density than NM even. If its close to you I would think starting there might not be a bad idea? I haven't hunted either personally though.
Where I have hunted bears, finding food and glassing have become my preferred method. Using hounds would certainly be effective if you're interested in that. I think Arkansas allows baiting too which I believe is effective.
Doesn't Arkansas have a bunch of bears? Think it may have a higher density than NM even. If its close to you I would think starting there might not be a bad idea? I haven't hunted either personally though.
Where I have hunted bears, finding food and glassing have become my preferred method. Using hounds would certainly be effective if you're interested in that. I think Arkansas allows baiting too which I believe is effective.
It's a lot more expensive for an Arkansas license out of state and it's so dense it's nearly impossible to spot and stalk bears I would think. And from what I've found it's illegal to bait on public lands in Arkansas. But I don't want to bait bears or run hounds, not against either option if that's how you like to hunt them. I bait deer and hogs in Texas, but I want the meat to fill the freezer. I want bear meat too, but I'm more excited about the experience than whether or not I connect on one. Also where I'm at in East TX it's super dense, to the point spot and stalk is all but impossible on deer, tho it has worked for hogs several times. I'm really just looking forward to being able find something in the distance and closing that distance, and if nothing else just being miles away from everything for a week or so.