I tagged along on the 2nd bowhunt last year in the Valles. The same two guys drew the 1st hunt this year (I'm guessing the odds of drawing those tags in back to back years is about 1:9,000) and my brother-in-law drew the muzzleloader hunt this year. From my limited experience last year, there are tons of elk there, but we did not see tons of huge bulls. The one guy shot a 355 bull the 4th day, which was the biggest bull we saw. The other guy shot a 300ish bull over a little spring the first night. We saw one bull that would have gone 330ish, but other than that we saw mostly 300ish bulls. Don't get me wrong, a 355 bull is a giant in my book, but there aren't 360 bulls under every juniper. It is dreadfully dry up there right now. I believe they are forecasting wetter than normal monsoon season, but let's hope it comes early...the whole state is a tinder box. I'm new to the forum, so I'm not sure I can send or receive PM's, but I'd be more than willing to discuss/send pics to the two guys who drew the archery hunts this year. You really are in for a helluva hunt.