New limbs on Hoyt shooting hot


Dec 21, 2021
I recently swapped out the limbs on my Ventum 33 to 80#, as I was shooting at the upper end of the stock 70# limbs and wanted a bit more range to play with. Well I certainly have range was pulling 87# after the install/tune.

I turned it down to low 70s where I wanted it, but I thought that was pretty wild. Is this normal for Hoyt or did they mistakenly send me the Cam Hanes version 🤣
I had a ventum 33 70'lber for a short time and it was definitely hot also. I never had it on a scale, but I can pull my mathews at 72 no problem and it was a heave to get the hoyt pulled back. And the the hbx cam is way smoother than a mathews switch weight cam so I think it had to have been at least 75lb
Hoyts tend to run 2-3# heavy, but 87# seems really high. Is your bow in spec? What was the poundage on the bow with 70# limbs? How is the speed with the #80 limbs backed down?
Hoyts tend to run 2-3# heavy, but 87# seems really high. Is your bow in spec? What was the poundage on the bow with 70# limbs? How is the speed with the #80 limbs backed down?
With the 70# limbs it was a few lbs heavy, right around 73# at the max end. It was tuned when I purchased it in 2021 and again after the new limb install by a local bow shop, and shooting great.

Right now I have it a touch under 75# and it's shooting a 467 grain arrow at 284 fps, and a 503 grain arrow at 274 fps. That is with a 29.5" draw length.
What was the speed with the 70# limbs?

I don't recall the chrono speed, but around 69# I believe I was shooting the 268.5 fps sight tape with the 503 grain arrow. The bow shop was very surprised with the 87# on the new limbs as well but it's shooting bullet holes. I confirmed it with my own bow scale.

I guess I need to increase the weights in the gym now!
Check to see if your axle to axle (ATA) is in spec. If it’s shorter than spec that could be part of the reason. You or your pro shop can adjust ATA by removing twists in the cables, just make sure cam timing is also good when doing this.
Check the stamp on the limbs. They usually mark them. Give Hoyt a call to see what the number should be to compare. That should let you know if they sent you the correct limbs.
I just installed new limbs on my Hoyt as well. Definitely ran a little hot. I thought they might “break in” a little and I would start to see the poundage go down as I shot more. But I’m probably 400+ shots in and the bow is still pulling the same with no adjustment.
Did you replace strings/cables with limbs?

Sometimes they will pull a little heavy right out the gate til serving settles.

If you shot it just a few times they will seat into the grooves, or if someone made a set with a few extra strands they will be a little larger.
I would also say to measure what axle to axle is and compare to specs of what it is supposed to be. Also, if brace height is running shorter than spec, then the string is on the long side and that would also increase poundage.
ATA is coming in around 33", but that was a quick measurement - it looks like the specs are 33 1/8" so I'll double check that. I'll also check the brace height to confirm.

Same strings as before, the only change was the limbs and a new peep sight. I assume it will come down a touch after shooting it a bit more, I just thought it was interesting that it was so high.

Appreciate all the input!