Hello Roksliders, here is an essay on matching our new Oval Stoves with our Shelters. I hope you find it helpful:
Pairing Oval Stoves With Shelters--
Small Low Wall--Excellent 4 season match for cooking and heating ParaTarp and SuperTarp with Annex. Excellent cooker and "space heater" in front of any of the K Tarps when using them without Annexes. Excellent 3 season choice in the MegaTarp with Annex as well as the ParaTipi. I'm speaking here in terms of shirt sleeve warmth production. In terms of slightly less than that level, but still very much nicer than outside, it will cover 3 seasons up thru 4-man and Sawtooth. Fine for high country summer use up into 6 man and 8 man realm in "normal" weather.
Small High Wall--Overkill in the ParaTarp and SuperTarp but still usable (note the adjustable leg height feature) and gives longer burn time before needing to empty ash. You can certainly moderate feeding to tone the heat down. Excellent 4 season stove in MegaTarp and ParaTipi. It's very narrow profile shines in these shelters. Solid 3 season goodness in 4 man and Sawtooth. Very capable summer stove in 6-8 man shelters.
Small Series Summary--13 inches of length is admirable for firewood selection and processing. And the 5 inch width is exceptionally efficient for backpack-grade cooking vessels for the size shelters and occupancy intended; it is also "out of the way" in narrow Tarps and the ParaTipi. It's the narrowest stove available. If you possess both Low and High sidewalls the Small Series packs a lot of function and versatility. The sidewalls are so light you can seriously consider carrying both if you're not sure of conditions. While they will provide cooking surface for 2 pots or one full size skillet (excellent by any other stove standards in this category) they can't compete in cooking with the larger Ovals--which are purpose-built for the larger shelters and greater occupancy. Even though the Small High Wall could produce satisfactory heating a Medium Low Wall stove could at that point become the preferred choice.
Medium Low Wall--With a bit larger firebox than the Small High Wall the Medium/Low takes over the role of cooking and heating larger shelters with more occupancy and therefor cooking surface need. It also is a fine 4 season stove for the MegaTarp and ParaTipi and even 4 man. As it functions on the Medium platform simply fetching a High Sidewall will move you significantly upward in heat production and retain the nicely laid out cooking surface the Medium stoves offer. As is, the Low/Medium will provide 3 season warmth and cooking for the 4 man and Sawtooth and come close for the 6 man. It is certainly a very nice summer stove for the 6 and 8 man tipis, and has a nice cooking surface for mid-summer ramblings in the 12 man.
Medium High Wall--This is a big step up in heat output. Use this option in arctic cold in your Sawtooth or 4 man, and in mid-winter most places in your 6, 8 and even 12 man if you run it hard. This size stove is very useful indeed, covering a lot of shelter scenarios.
Medium Series Summary--This is the great middle category, allowing you to move across many shelters and seasons, especially if you have both sidewalls. Use the Low Wall with modest wood input clear down into Tarp outings. Run the same platform with the High Wall option up into late season and winter in multi-occupancy tipis. Very thoughtful surface for cooking. There is a lot to like about the Mediums.
Large Low Wall--When your group is several folks and you're intent on real cooking this is the selection for you. It is not too hot for summer use in the 8 man and up, but will kick the BTU's out in serious cold if you stoke it. And it's incredibly lightweight for such a large stove...one with huge upgrade potential for really cold weather. Just fetch a taller sidewall, and still have a micro-light set-up for what it will do.
Large Medium Wall--This is the same output as our box Arctic stove, but just look at the weight! It is so light and so functional that a group can happily get a larger tipi and live better than ever, carrying the whole tipi/stove camp anywhere they want. Yes, this big stove in an upgrade size tipi is still lighter than the previous box stove options in smaller tipis. This size will make an 8 or 12 man toasty in mid-winter arctic. And make a 16 man quiet cozy.
Large High Wall--This is a monster stove, but incredibly lightweight. Run a 16 man or even 24 man tipi with complete warmth confidence anywhere, anytime. There aren't enough superlatives to do justice to the combination of heat output, cooking surface and justifiable carry weight of the King.
Large Series Summary--In looking over my words on the Large Oval Series it becomes clear that perhaps the most telling thing about them is that for the very first time really big and useful backpack stoves are completely worth selecting and carrying if a few guys are involved in the trip. Not that many, either. This series is a whole new level of the art,. I will use them a LOT. These very big stoves are definitely in the quite doable weight range for man carry. In my view moving up into this Series is an easy decision.
I am very pleased with these new stoves. I've been working to create just such "tools" for the backcountry a long, long time. I am going to use them hard and happily wherever I ramble. And may you enjoy them as much as I do!