New Hornady Aeromatch bullets

So Berger (Lapua) ) is a huge international conglomerate company. I don't think there is any love lost with copying designs by Lapua.
To me it just seems like they would have to stoop pretty low to offer that blatant of a copy and even advertise it that way. But it sure seems like that's what they're doing when I look at it again.
In the past I would have been in total agreement with you, but after waiting anywhere from six months to 18 months to get the bullets I want I am applauding this decision because these designs just flat out work

Sierra and Berger must have really bad management to not capitalize on the demand for their products.

Like the old saying goes “Make hay while the sun shines”
In the past I would have been in total agreement with you, but after waiting anywhere from six months to 18 months to get the bullets I want I am applauding this decision because these designs just flat out work

Sierra and Berger must have really bad management to not capitalize on the demand for their products.

Like the old saying goes “Make hay while the sun shines”
Well, yes, but if you overexpand in a boom time you might not make it through the bust.
Theres a lot of companies in bankruptcy right now that were killing it 3 years ago.
Yes, standing by for updates on these in the wild!

Edit: Looks like available at grafs. 140s are more expensive than actual 140 hybrids at powder valley right now though. 105s are a few cents cheaper than the real thing. Hard to want to try them if you can get the real deal for the same price.
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