new format

You're not following... we want the "light/light" option that used to be available where the background was light... not black. Right now the "light" option only allows the text portion to be light, with the background black. The old "light" option made the entire page (both text area and background) light.

There was NO black anywhere to be seen...
I want the light-light option back. This format is irritating as hell.
I don’t know how u guys can stand the white background. That would drive me nuts. Mine is the same as it’s always been. White lettering, black background and green highlights. Don’t change a thing 😎
There was always a choice to make it how you wanted - that choice was taken away. You obviously weren't aware you had a choice and just kept it on the default.

You can go back to sleep now... :)
Well aware there was a choice . As once in a while I would accidentally hit it while trying to check the alerted threads. I would just switch it back cuz I couldn’t stand the white background . And there is still a choice to switch it to the white background. Guess mine is different from yours No sleeping. Gotta watch Michigan in a couple hrs.
@fngTony I dont personally mind the bk background versus light background, but I have been experiencing advertisements overlaid onto posts that obscure the text of the post—makes it impossible to read. Its as if the ad is formatted for a larger screen size than the rest of the site. This is on iphone/safari. I screenshotted this a week or so ago, so its possible this has already been addressed—I dont recall running into it this week. I have personally not changed any of the settings and since then it magically reverted back to bk background for me.