New dead sea scrolls



Dec 12, 2020
Nothing on this earth has killed more people or caused more wars than Religion.

Put that in your pipe and smoke on it for awhile....
Nothing has made more people fat than a fork and spoon. Carries the same relevance.

The ChiComm government frowns on religion and certainly does not embrace it. From Mao thru today. Same in Russia from Lenin and Stalin thru today. They have murdered hundreds of millions of their OWN people much less others. Same goes for many other "cultures".
Apr 15, 2014
The republicans are no less interested in giving people freedom and liberty than the democrats.
We need term limits to clean out the crooks. Totally agree with you both parties are full of curption. For every Jim Jordan there's three Milt Romney's. It's truly disgusting right now. Weither you liked or hated him Trump was spot on about the swamp and media.
Jun 7, 2018
South Carolina
As a Christian, my experience with anyone who claims out loud to be "a good Christian" is probably about to pull a fast one on you. Realistically, none of us are good Christians as we're rife with sin. Look at all of the above posts arguing and nit-picking. No real point to it and it's only self serving.

A large majority of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons, who were not necessarily Christian, but actually Deists.

  1. belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.

    Many of them accepted Christianity, but weren't fully sold on it.
    Anyway, carry on.
    But yeah, the commenter in the original post was spot on. It's very scary what this country is becoming and lack of religion may be one thing, but amoral behavior is the real problem. Greed, selfishness, and a lack of self-policing AKA ass-whooping is a problem.


Dec 12, 2020
So this thread has nothing to do with the dead sea scrolls?
The theme and focus of the thread is obviously how similar that time and this time may end with the same result. That shouldn't have to be explained to anyone. New scrolls were found and the article attached explains that. The focus though is on the comment. Now if you want to discuss the scrolls in context then lead on with that biblical approach.


Jan 27, 2020
The theme and focus of the thread is obviously how similar that time and this time may end with the same result. That shouldn't have to be explained to anyone. New scrolls were found and the article attached explains that. The focus though is on the comment. Now if you want to discuss the scrolls in context then lead on with that biblical approach.


I care more about the hunt that led to how the scrolls were found. Maybe Nicolas Cage was involved


Sep 29, 2012
Nothing has made more people fat than a fork and spoon. Carries the same relevance.

The ChiComm government frowns on religion and certainly does not embrace it. From Mao thru today. Same in Russia from Lenin and Stalin thru today. They have murdered hundreds of millions of their OWN people much less others. Same goes for many other "cultures".
And the Taliban and ISIS are far more devout religiously than the average American christian. More must be better, right??


Nov 3, 2013
Nothing on this earth has killed more people or caused more wars than Religion.

Put that in your pipe and smoke on it for awhile....
As a Christian and active member in a church I can agree that there is a lot of truth in that statement.
To many dwell on religion and have no personal relationship with God. To some their religion is their god and that has led them from having a personal relationship with our Creator.


Dec 6, 2015

The founders knew the country wasn’t living up to the ideals they set forth at the founding, but knew they’d never have a union if they tried to ban slavery and give women the right to vote right out of the gate as those ideas were extremely progressive at the time and not the prevailing values of the day anywhere on the planet. It was a grand idea to strive for, set in motion by the bill of rights and the constitution and the union of states which made the founding of this nation. People have such a one-dimensional view of history, especially American history lately as Marxists are trying to metaphorically and literally topple our history. Judging people of the past by the standards of today is one of the most intellectually lazy and ignorant trend of today’s useful idiots.


Jan 24, 2014
Zeeland, MI
So was there a nation before the untied states to fight a civil war in part over slavery? Where there other countries at our founding that had women as equals?

I’m asking.

we are not perfect.

the brilliance of our constitution that exists no where else, I think. My summary of we the people.

in alienable rights as individuals from god not government to pursue whatever...

a process or template for change that we the people or government on behalf of people can effect change

a due process that presumes innocent with peer judgement

private property.

If you’re not a person of faith fine by me, but to Construe the spirit of Christian values isn’t imbedded in the essence of our constitution is ridiculous. Its the very reason you can be or not in complete freedom without fear.

maybe we’ll see how a different constitution will feel in the next decade. I’m betting compliance to a higher government won’t be fun. Near as I can tell my summary points are being challenged and dismantled under false pretenses.
Sep 4, 2017
Saying the US is a Christian country and that should dictate the policy decisions and direction of this country is against everything the country was founded upon period, end of discussion. Just because a majority of hunters are patriotic Christians doesn’t mean that’s what the country is or should be. Not that I don’t think it would be better for it.. And I say that as a Catholic covert Lutheran to no longer belonging or believing in anything besides the serenity and spirituality of the mountains, religions are the biggest scam ever created. But I believe in everything Christianity instills in people even though people interpret it interestingly nowadays.
I don't know you from Adam, but you just described my view on the topic to a tee. I wish it wasn't the case...but I believe 100% its the case. I think "religion " is a means to keep man on the right path. Do good or burn in hell.. In my life, i follow many Christian tenants...because they are good. But the whole story man....I just don't know. In this day and age I think the best I can do and teach my kids...and expect it to the good ol golden rule...
Sep 4, 2017
I like how people thing “being a Christian” is something special that deserves respect. In my daily interactions, most of the worst people I meet are Christians.
I hear you. Ive said for quite a few yers, even in our little isolated part of eastern south dakota.....All the best people I know are Christians....all the worst people i know are Christians. ..haha
Sep 4, 2017
As a Christian, my experience with anyone who claims out loud to be "a good Christian" is probably about to pull a fast one on you. Realistically, none of us are good Christians as we're rife with sin. Look at all of the above posts arguing and nit-picking. No real point to it and it's only self serving.

A large majority of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons, who were not necessarily Christian, but actually Deists.

  1. belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.

    Many of them accepted Christianity, but weren't fully sold on it.
    Anyway, carry on.
    But yeah, the commenter in the original post was spot on. It's very scary what this country is becoming and lack of religion may be one thing, but amoral behavior is the real problem. Greed, selfishness, and a lack of self-policing AKA ass-whooping is a problem.
You got it


Jul 2, 2016
I hear you. Ive said for quite a few yers, even in our little isolated part of eastern south dakota.....All the best people I know are Christians....all the worst people i know are Christians. ..haha

The best people I know definetly are not Christians. Take that as you will but I find few things more repulsive than somebody who identifies as a Christian yet has no qualms about screwing people over and being shady to make things work for themselves.
Jun 29, 2017
I would agree with it being lazy to judge the people of the past by the standards of today, but being that it took until the 1960s for "equality", I would say it is also equally lazy to credit the founders with this "grand vision" because they didn't have it. In your version of things the least they could have done was not own people personally! However they did own people, which pretty much shows you that the constitution didn't apply to all PEOPLE!

If we don't want revisionist history then let's not revise either way. They were incredibly smart men that gave us a document that was fortunately worded to only need 27 amendments so far! That's amazing, but they were also thought black people were property and women weren't smart enough to vote. Sure that was part of the times, but I think we can all agree that slavery is abhorrent regardless of the time or place in history, especially in a brand new world where you (looking at you rich white men) are writing the rules!

As I've said, amazing visionaries that gave us the constitution, but don't over credit them, they were people of the times and they didn't view slaves as people!

We have what has been and what can be the shinning city on the hill for the rest of the world, but if you believe that we have been a moral beacon to the world, with our upstanding Christian beliefs throughout our history, you are revising history to fit your narrative. The United States is AMAZING and is currently the defenders of freedom, but take off the rose colored glasses and examine our history, we have had plenty of times where we haven't led the world in areas we really should have been leading!
There are writings where the founders talk about their moral dilemmas with owning slaves. It’s not like the economy back then was like today’s but with slavery. Ending slavery back then was akin to stopping fossil fuel production. It’s a great thought but not something you can just do over night regardless of how you feel about it. I can tell you haven’t read a lot of the writings of the founders - a lot of this stuff is addressed. Maybe start with the federalist papers. I’m not revising history—I’ve actually read the documents by the founders explaining their actual intent with amendments etc.
Jun 29, 2017
The best people I know definetly are not Christians. Take that as you will but I find few things more repulsive than somebody who identifies as a Christian yet has no qualms about screwing people over and being shady to make things work for themselves.
If you knew anything about Christianity you’d know it’s about admitting that you’re an imperfect fallible being and striving to be better. Which also means others are the same and not judging them for their imperfections, whether they call themselves Christian or not.


Feb 26, 2013
Nothing has made more people fat than a fork and spoon. Carries the same relevance.

The ChiComm government frowns on religion and certainly does not embrace it. From Mao thru today. Same in Russia from Lenin and Stalin thru today. They have murdered hundreds of millions of their OWN people much less others. Same goes for many other "cultures".
Did they murder those people because of....wait for it....their religion?

I’d bet more often than not the answer is, yes.