New dead sea scrolls

Did they murder those people because of....wait for it....their religion?

I’d bet more often than not the answer is, yes.
So, you are saying people who dislike "religion" are inclined to commit genocide? That is a very odd way to make your point that religion is the worst thing. It is literally the same as arguing that the Jews caused 6 million deaths under the Third Rich because they where murdered for having Jewish ancestry. Though it illustrates the point that Atheisms can be as brutal as any religion very well.

A cursory study of the Russian Civil War, or the Cultural Revolution orchestrated by Mao will demonstrate that most atrocities where carried out for political reasons, many times against other avowed communists and atheist's.

Religion has been the root of all sorts of evils, but it is a very far cry from being the root of all evil (though, in fairness, you never said it was). Even if we expand to the broader term of ideology (of which religion and politics are subsets) one still would not have the root of all atrocities. I think that the primary lesson of modern history is that even when religion is removed, humans are still the most dangerous animal.

Don't take this as me agreeing with the mass of whitewashed political dung pile that started this thread. I have been trying to ignore this thread, but foolishly wanted to see if I could get a laugh. I have not read the overwhelming majority of posts, yours just happened to be the last one, so it was the first one I read. That is a long winded way of saying that my lack of reply to others does not represent a lack of opposition to what they said, rather only my intentional decision to stop reading, as rather than finding a laugh I found the joke was on me.
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The best people I know definetly are not Christians. Take that as you will but I find few things more repulsive than somebody who identifies as a Christian yet has no qualms about screwing people over and being shady to make things work for themselves.
Identifying as a Christian doesnt make you one anymore than a guy identfying as girl makes him female.
Whether you like it or not, your ethics have Christian roots.
You don't like hypocrisy because the hypocrite is failing to not judge others.
We despise the sex scandal of the Catholic church because it violates the commandment of adultery.
Our morals and ethics come from the church, not in spite of it.
If your morals do not align with peace, love, charity, forgiveness, family, not lying, not killing, not stealing, and not coveting then what do they align with?

It is a bright sunny day here in KS. I would challenge anyone to count the stars in the sky, just as God asked Abraham. It is an impossible task to see stars in the daylight but that does not mean they aren't there. You are just in the wrong perspective.
Nothing on this earth has killed more people or caused more wars than Religion.

Put that in your pipe and smoke on it for awhile....

I know this is supposed to be a hunting forum and things get messy over which caliber is best? Or what broadheads for elk?

I also understand this is the internet so people can just say whatever they want as though it was fact, but sometimes outright nonsense needs to be called out. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that someone you trust told you this was true, but a basic understanding of history simply shows it’s not.

Did Hitler exterminate 6 million Jews because he was religious? How about Stalin and the 60 million he starved? Or Mao? What about his 50 million? Pol Pot in Cambodia and his 2 million? None of those men were religious and yet they are responsible for the genocide of over 100 million people in the last 100 years.

Before you tell people to put something in their pipe and smoke it, maybe a simple google search or a history book would be a better choice. Now can we get back to the broadhead and best caliber wars? It’s much more entertaining.

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In all fairness they were "Christians" that believed owning other people was supported by the Bible, that women shouldn't vote, and that "all men are created equal" really only applied to white men as black slaves were property and not people. . . So I could see where it hurts some peoples feelings.

Amazing document, and amazing founders, but like all things infallibility is impossible to obtain (sans one) and thus people should be taken with a grain of salt. Christian or not they believed in a freedom to chose your beliefs thus making certain that Christianity (or any other religion) was not forced upon the people of this great nation!
They didn't all believe in slavery. Some did, but those that didn't believed that slavery would end in the early nineteenth century. It was basically like making a deal to be able to get the country going, with the thought that people would fix that issue in the ensuing years. Sadly, democrats forced the issue to drag on.

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