So, you are saying people who dislike "religion" are inclined to commit genocide? That is a very odd way to make your point that religion is the worst thing. It is literally the same as arguing that the Jews caused 6 million deaths under the Third Rich because they where murdered for having Jewish ancestry. Though it illustrates the point that Atheisms can be as brutal as any religion very well.Did they murder those people because of....wait for it....their religion?
I’d bet more often than not the answer is, yes.
A cursory study of the Russian Civil War, or the Cultural Revolution orchestrated by Mao will demonstrate that most atrocities where carried out for political reasons, many times against other avowed communists and atheist's.
Religion has been the root of all sorts of evils, but it is a very far cry from being the root of all evil (though, in fairness, you never said it was). Even if we expand to the broader term of ideology (of which religion and politics are subsets) one still would not have the root of all atrocities. I think that the primary lesson of modern history is that even when religion is removed, humans are still the most dangerous animal.
Don't take this as me agreeing with the mass of whitewashed political dung pile that started this thread. I have been trying to ignore this thread, but foolishly wanted to see if I could get a laugh. I have not read the overwhelming majority of posts, yours just happened to be the last one, so it was the first one I read. That is a long winded way of saying that my lack of reply to others does not represent a lack of opposition to what they said, rather only my intentional decision to stop reading, as rather than finding a laugh I found the joke was on me.
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