I have been in need for new hunting clothing for several years, upgrade from just thick fleece with windstopper. I am thinking of going with merino bases, light or medium weight wool for cooler weather, and a heavier wool layer for late season cold to arctic. I would then top off with an outer layer that is wind stopping. I know that wool is heavier than the new synthetics, but I like the properties better. Especially that it will breath better, I am typically very warm bodied. What are the holes in this system? I am mainly hunting Iowa and the Mid-West.
I am thinking of going with Sitka or Kryptek for the outer layer. I hunt both the ground and from treestands, so both patterns have positives. I could stay with the Natural Gear that I have been using for hunting the ground. I am wondering about quality that everyone has seen from what they have used. What are the thoughts about FirstLite clothing and their new pattern?
I am thinking of going with Sitka or Kryptek for the outer layer. I hunt both the ground and from treestands, so both patterns have positives. I could stay with the Natural Gear that I have been using for hunting the ground. I am wondering about quality that everyone has seen from what they have used. What are the thoughts about FirstLite clothing and their new pattern?