This is sounding A LOT like the same institutional capture that’s been happening in our society for the last many years.
One side brings data driven solutions to the table in good faith because they believe things like objective reality and honest discourse are sound principles from which to derive policy. The other side believes a certain outcome is the only moral path, and therefore the ends justify the means. They have no qualms about using the honest conversation, forthright, “good faith” nature of the other side agains them. No need to provide logical counter arguments or present stats that supports their views. Vilify, outright lie, deny the data, propagandize, and win public support. The ends justify the means…
Meanwhile, the folks who are trying to have an honest conversation and discussion about what might be the best path forwards are getting railroaded. We’ve been real good at standing on principles and LOSING for a long time. We need to figure out how to WIN. We finally got a win in CO…the guys who organized that need to get going on a national scale so we can get into the arena in ALL states.
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Just as an example in WA: You could file a public records request in WA and find hunting nonprofits stating they would support spring bear restrictions- like shutting down seasons if sow harvest reached a very low allotment, offering money to incentivize tooth submission, willingness to negotiate and promote solutions that responded to the Commission's concerns about the spring bear hunt without shutting it down completely.
Those messages went unanswered, even as commissioners responded to almost every other email from those same orgs. It's a three year old example at this point, but it holds true today.