Net-Gunning for Big Mule Deer

Harvey, your write up pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. I appreciate your attentiveness on this issue and I have been seeing you on the Hunting WA Facebook as well. I am hopeful we can gain some momentum on this issue with WA residents, there seems to be too much doom and gloom. Which is understandable.
A step in the right direction! Thanks to the organizations that put this out there, we got enough support that the two last minute lame duck appointments have been rescinded. We need to keep the pressure on Ferguson to appoint commissioners that support conservation and hunting!

Yup, this was a solid win for WA.

WDFW just opened comments on their proposed 2025 hunting season rules that would include ending all feeding of big game in WA state and would ban baiting as well. They're proposing it under the guise of lessening the spread of CWD.
Getting those two rescinded is miracle number 1.

Now we need Fergy to appoint reasonable commissioners, that will be miracle 2.

Miracle 3 will be turning the tide completely.

Miracle number 546 will be undoing the damage the commission has done, such as getting our spring bear season back.

LETS GO!!!!!

Copied from the Conservation Coalition of WA Facebook group:

🚨Support House Bill 1930 and Senate Bill 5728!

Two critical bills are currently in Olympia that aim to improve the appointment process for the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission.

House Bill 1930:
-Task county commissioners with naming 6 of the 9 members of the commission and leave the other 3 up to the governor and the senate.
-6 commissioners from WDFW’s 6 Regions
-No more than 2 commissioners from the same WDFW region.
-Required to held a fishing or hunting license in 3 of the past 5 years.
-Commission would need to meet in-person in all 6 of WDFW’s regions

Senate Bill 5728:
-Creates a 14 person nominating commission Committee appointed by the Governor.
-Committee made up of representatives from hunting, fishing, environmental, agricultural, outdoor recreation, local governments, law enforcement backgrounds, as well as the tribes.
-Potential appointments from the Gov would require a two-thirds majority approval. The committee could directly name a replacement after 90 days in case of delay.
-Commissioners must be fishing or hunting license holders in 2 of the past 5 years, except for members of the tribes.

Both bills deserve our support to improve the appointment process for the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, to clean up the rampant dysfunction of this body of policy makers and to ensure the best fish and wildlife management practices are adhered to.
Neither bill has a hearing, but please reach members of the house and senate natural resource committees in support of these bills, and be sure to contact and seek support from your local representatives.
The hearing has been scheduled and is open for public comment, this bill would reform the commission appointment process to have 1 commissioner from each region, with eligibility criteria like they have to have held a valid fishing or hunting license for 3 of the last 5 years, as well as many other improvements.

Please go select PRO and submit comment, even as simple as "I urge SUPPORT of this bill". This is the only way for your position to be presented to the committee! - Link here