Net-Gunning for Big Mule Deer

This is sounding A LOT like the same institutional capture that’s been happening in our society for the last many years.

One side brings data driven solutions to the table in good faith because they believe things like objective reality and honest discourse are sound principles from which to derive policy. The other side believes a certain outcome is the only moral path, and therefore the ends justify the means. They have no qualms about using the honest conversation, forthright, “good faith” nature of the other side agains them. No need to provide logical counter arguments or present stats that supports their views. Vilify, outright lie, deny the data, propagandize, and win public support. The ends justify the means…

Meanwhile, the folks who are trying to have an honest conversation and discussion about what might be the best path forwards are getting railroaded. We’ve been real good at standing on principles and LOSING for a long time. We need to figure out how to WIN. We finally got a win in CO…the guys who organized that need to get going on a national scale so we can get into the arena in ALL states.

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Just as an example in WA: You could file a public records request in WA and find hunting nonprofits stating they would support spring bear restrictions- like shutting down seasons if sow harvest reached a very low allotment, offering money to incentivize tooth submission, willingness to negotiate and promote solutions that responded to the Commission's concerns about the spring bear hunt without shutting it down completely.

Those messages went unanswered, even as commissioners responded to almost every other email from those same orgs. It's a three year old example at this point, but it holds true today.
All good points and accurate characterizations. So the question is, given the reality of all this, and the politics of the state we’re discussing, how do we effect the change we want to see? That’s what I want to get to, and I don’t have a roadmap.
A change at the top, which we just got. Not sure how Ferguson will play out as pro hunting or not, but in that realm he seems to be a bit more moderate than Inslee. So long as the governor is appointing commissioners and the governor is siding with environmentalists and anti-hunting groups there is not much we can do.

I'd like to see a 4th option added to the report on dissolving the commission and make it a vote of the people. The commission is making decisions that are affecting the people of the state so why should the people have no say outside of easily ignored public comments? I say each of the six regions elect a commissioner with the three largest regions electing two for a total of 9. That gives every region the ability to have a voice for issues in their region. Its about the wildlife and the land mass, not population, so leave it to region size to determine the three extra commissioners. This would be a 4yr elected position made at the same time as the Governors election on the ballots of everyone within the region and non partisan. Let the people elect them based on their merits and qualifications.
All good points and accurate characterizations. So the question is, given the reality of all this, and the politics of the state we’re discussing, how do we effect the change we want to see? That’s what I want to get to, and I don’t have a roadmap.
What we need is a pretty drastic overhaul of the Commission, one that either creates new sideboards or replaces most commissioners...if not both.

I actually think the number of scientists on the Commission isn't beneficial- it's not a peer review board for the department staff. I also don't think it should just be a bunch of hunters and anglers either. It needs to be people who care about the resource and process as equally important things to protect.

This, along with enforceable sideboards and a cultural change of focusing on high-level policy setting and prioritization, can greatly help the Commission. Additionally, we need to see the extreme voices knocked off their perch a bit. They've gotten very comfortable having a direct line to decisionmakers in the Gov's office, leg, and the Commission- one they haven't earned in seeking shared outcomes/mutual benefit. Those voices need to be the most impactful, and that's who the commission should look towards to see if they've been successful- not just people advocating for a single value set or perspective
This is one of those issues where it is important to be able to keep multiple ideas in your head at once.

For example:
-It is a fact WDFW needs more and better data on many topics.
-It is also a fact that people/groups with nefarious intentions will demand more data as an obstruction tactic.
See, now that's we've gotten to talking about it, I can't stop.

A highly credible report comes out identifying the problems with the commission, with pretty broad agreement that there is dysfunction at the top and it's not good for wildlife management. But at least one commissioner, and the most influential leader of the fringe element have the exact same response to all that noise.

The founder of WWF in outdoor life: What some people label ‘dysfunction,’ we see as a product of the commissioners doing their best to fulfill this challenging role, by digging into difficult issues, asking hard questions, and publicly debating topics about which both the commission and the public are divided,”

Commissioner Melanie Rowland in the Washington State Standard: What might appear as dysfunction, she said, is actually members grappling with how to make decisions that are consistent with what’s been done in the past but reflect a desire to modernize the state’s approach to wildlife management.

The house is on fire, but some folks don't seem to care or mind. Those folks are either in collusion or share the same delusion.
To that end we need to think really hard about how the non-hunting public perceives us, and look for the opportunities to move that needle in a positive direction. I think that's already happening, but we need to put hunting on an unassailable social and political footing, and we have a long way to go. Any average non-hunting member of the public should look at the hunters they know and say "wow, these are an impressive set of guys and gals, committed stewards of natural resources, pillars of their communities, emminently reasonable human beings - I wish I could be like them". Once we get to that point we have nothing to fear from ballot measures like Colorado just faced.

I’m in full agreement with the “perception issue” and believe in the concept of these values impacting the community in a positive and meaningful way. My personal feeling is there’s a long way to go in terms of the hunting community as a whole being true stewards of the land and animals.

However, I do think it’s worth pointing out that the “other side” doesn’t seem to need that sort of public perception in order to win. People don’t think of the anti activists as pillars of the community, role models ect, and yet they have been winning for a long time. How? They understand how to play the game - they’re very adept at institutional capture. We need to get in the arena on that level, or we’re going to keep on losing, no matter how ardently we stand on good values, principles, and reasonable arguments. The good guys don’t always win, just because they’re “good”. We didnt win in CO because all the hunters in CO suddenly became really good people…we won because we started fighting in the right places and ways.

If we keep doing what we’ve always done, we’ll keep getting what we’ve always gotten..

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And it begins...

Keep us in the loop on petitions/letter to the representatives portals for opposition. I’m assuming HOWL and other organizations will be all over this?

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Keep us in the loop on petitions/letter to the representatives portals for opposition. I’m assuming HOWL and other organizations will be all over this?

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I would think so. I think they might already be petitioning certain acts directed at the commission, let me go back and look.
They havent started a petition for the current House Bill, but do have two related to the commission up already.

Man I hope WA can find its way. Still the best hunting in terms of wilderness experience I've ever had...even after 4 seasons in MT. The terrain in the Cascades is without rival when it comes to scenery and forage.

Should be a requirement that all members of the commission have held hunting/fishing licenses in the state prior to appointment.
Man I hope WA can find its way. Still the best hunting in terms of wilderness experience I've ever had...even after 4 seasons in MT. The terrain in the Cascades is without rival when it comes to scenery and forage.

Should be a requirement that all members of the commission have held hunting/fishing licenses in the state prior to appointment.
It's a beautiful state with potential (I mean look at all the book elk that come from WA) that is managed into the ground.
That said I believe it's a dangerous pitfall for us to assume that commission decisions are agenda driven or that the ranting and raving of the extreme environmentalist and animal rights groups is getting through to the commissioners and driving their decision making. Everyone should make up their own mind about this, but I've spoken face to face with each of the commissioners and I don't believe any of them have a vendetta against us.
Brother, how can you say this when Lorna Smith literally voted against the data supported spring bear season in WA because she thinks its unethical to hunt them when they're "vulnerable" coming out of their dens??? She is 100% letting her personal environmentalist ideals go against the science.
I want to be very clear, I’m not carrying water for anyone, and in no way do I support the cancellation of the spring bear hunt. I want it back, badly. However that hunt was constituted as a management hunt, and the data to justify it on that basis was weak at best. WDFW simply was not able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commission that the spring hunt was achieving its management objectives. I believe it was but that’s beside the point.

Also at that time the bear population estimate was back calculated from the annual harvest, which was itself an estimate based on hunter reports. In essence WDFW had no estimate of the bear population that was based on population monitoring. Had that been available would the outcome have been different? Maybe.

The decision to cancel the spring hunt was a terrible one in every way. But to assume it was a foregone conclusion based on the ideology of the commissioners blinds us to the chinks in our own armor.

To WDFW’s great credit we have a much better bear population estimate now, and we should keep pressing for a recreational spring hunt. The scrutiny on hunting is going to keep coming, especially in States like Washington, and from a data perspective we need to have our crap wired a lot tighter than it is.

For myself I’d rather work on shoring up our own position than worrying to much about what’s in the heads of the folks on the other side. And yeah, I believe more gets done when we try to make human connections with our counterparts on the other side. Its no sure thing, but perspectives can be changed by good data and good arguments, and it’s easier to do when there’s a basis of mutual respect.

I support anyone and everyone who defends hunting, whatever approach they happen to take. I think there’s a place for all of it, and it’s all better than nothing. Also I truly appreciate the discussion in this thread. It’s made me think about what I’m doing and that’s a good thing.
I finished the podcast today, thank you Robby for bringing light to the issue and giving us a peek behind the curtain. Some of the comments and situations referenced about commission decisions were infuriating. To try and convince us sportsmen that the commission isn't anti-hunting, seems grossly hypocritical. I think Woody does a wonderful job of smoking up the mirrors over important topics to mitigate scrutiny from his constituents.

RCW 77.04.012 Mandate of department and commission - "The commission shall attempt to maximize the public recreational game fishing and hunting opportunities of all citizens, including juvenile, disabled, and senior citizens".

Commissioner Myers:
"Also with this large diverse human population, there's a lot of folks who feel like they wanna have a say in how the states fish and wildlife are managed; that's become a juggling act; " - it starts to derail here, when non-consumptives who do not contribute to the funding by buying applications, licenses, tags, etc. are weighing in on the wildlife commissions decisions to limit hunting, when their legal obligation is to maximize hunting opportunities. Anything from those outside groups should be disregarded immediately.

"We're giving professional opinions in place of high quality data" - that's been discussed in previous posts, it's obvious.

"Even how hunters, what they'll say about biologists is you guys don't know what you're talking about because where I hunt the population's doing this or that" - I just looked up some general rifle season harvest statistics from 2 popular units in my local area comparing 2013 to 2023 of antlered deer (3 point minimum) harvested. 1st in 2013 there were 104 harvested with 13% success rate, 2023 there was 54 with 7% success rate. 2nd in 2013 was 92 harvested with 11.2% success rate, 2023 there was 47 with 6% success rate. These are not prime years, they're the oldest and most recent on record. When I got my drivers license (2006) you couldn't cruise the forest roads in either of those units without seeing decent bucks. Now if you find one, it's likely barely legal. The only management changes have been less predator harvest, and less hunt opportunity.

"I pushed the agency to return to the way that we were managing cougars which was by a harvest management goal of a certain percentage of the population" - Well he didn't represent that during the meetings. In one of last years meetings addressing the "carnivore plan", where commissioners were discussing further limitations on all predator hunting including potentially banning coyote hunting, Woody referenced wanting to "see the data from a study on black bear populations being conducted in BC". Knowing that they had data showing the 8% harvest quota had never even been hit, and an average annual harvest was 4-6% INCLUDING SPRING BEAR HARVEST BEFORE THEY TOOK IT AWAY, feels like an even heftier slap in the face.

"They weren't able to present the data in a convincing way; We had the data, we just didn't have it in the form that we do now" - is this a shred of hope that we could see progress and data driven management decisions?

"The process of going through that spring bear exercise that resulted in losing the spring bear season was so stressful on the commissioners we have remaining they don't want to pursue anything more right now" - aaand the answer to my last question.

They didn't even touch on the wolf reintroduction that met objective years ago and are left unchecked, or the ridiculous decision to bring Grizzly bears back to the North Cascades.. (Hopefully that changes once the bears find the constant food sources along the PCT).

I'm not a fan of social media influencers, but I seriously hope some of them, and other industry professionals or businesses, can use their platforms to rally enough people to be overwhelming to the commission. Otherwise, I think we're probably SOL on getting any progressive management for hunting.
The process of going through that spring bear exercise that resulted in losing the spring bear season was so stressful on the commissioners we have remaining they don't want to pursue anything more right now" - aaand the answer to my last question.

That’s the line that aggravated me the most. They’re too stressed to do their job so they’re just not going to do it anymore? Any stress they occurred was caused by them. We should have been introducing an otc spring hunt and not taking away an already extremely limited hunt.