I didnt care to listen to it until I saw this post actually. Very glad I did. The Mule Deer portion was very informative.
The back end with the commission was interesting. I'd like to agree with Woody that the commission isnt anti-hunting, but their actions have spoken otherwise. If the information was not presentable as he said to make an informed decision, but yet was still available, decision making needed to be tabled until data was brought forward. If they felt they needed to take immediate action to save the species fine, but to then say the commission isnt ready to tackle the spring bear issue because of how much of an issue its become? Isn't that the whole point of the commission? Thats a cop out IMO. Get the data and make an informed decision.
He highlighted one of the major reasons the people feel WDFW has failed them. They have all this data collected by the department, funded by the tax payers (hunters), and the department cant even present it in a form that the commission making decisions can use it. What a waste. I'd love for my tax payer money to fund more studies with usable data to manage our wildlife.
We have watched as WDFW has waged war on Bass, Walleye, and Catfish under the guise of saving Salmon, yet there has been little to show in any available study that points to them as culprits in smolt loss. Some studies even refute that fact. Other studies are showing precipitous losses due to birds, mainly gulls, terns, cormorants, and pelicans. All species that are thriving due to man made islands on the Columbia River, but no action has been taken to curb the predation. Its stuff like this that paints the commission and the department in a bad light as a whole.
Then when your Governor does stuff like this it even further paints the commission in a bad light
Governor Jay Inslee's waning-hours appointments to the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission are blasted by the state chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers as undermining public trust, abandoning stakeholder input and transparency, contradicting recommendations in the recent Ruckelshaus...
Then the WA state legislature earmarks $300,000 for an independant study that finds the commission is dysfunctional and now total reform is being proposed with no input from the people at large. Some of the reform options would be a final nail in the coffin for WA sportsman. The commission needs reform, but not at the hands of the governors office which got us in this bad spot to begin with by making poor appointments. We need more guys like Woody who follow the science, good or bad for the sportsman, while maximizing opportunity for the sportsman.
Following the release of a draft report on the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission and its future, former member Kim Thorburn calls for three legislative fixes rather than moving WDFW under governor.