Need stretching / yoga program recommendations


Mar 18, 2022
Hi there, as a 48 year old planning my first elk hunt this fall, I’ve feel like I’ve been doing a good job of strength training and conditioning since January to get ready. Now I’m no where near elite athlete level, but my legs and lungs feel stronger than when I started. I feel the weak link for me is mobility and my joint/tendon/ligament … not that I have any injuries they are just older and way less flexible.

For the next several weeks I would like to focus on my joint and mobility health… anyone have any recommendations for a stretching and / or yoga program that would be helpful for the mountains? I would really like to focus on my hips and knees, but understand full body mobility is also very important.
joints, tendons and ligaments can take quite a while to get up to speed..most gyms have yoga classes.

A full body strength program will strengthen all that stuff and dead weight hangs will be very good for shoulders....3 dumbell exercises are very good for shoulders plus band work for warm up. As you hang you can bring your feet forward a bit to get the core also. Doing the 3 dumbell exercises if you get a slight bend in your knees, chest up, shoulders back and engage your core you will get a posture strength workout at the same time... a good and balanced wieght program will make aging easier to deal with...especially if you start before 50, the longer you wait the harder it will be......good luck.

I signed up for the free 7 day trial of ROMWOD. So far it seems really good and might be worth the $14 a month
@gostovp make sure your water intake is good. Drink enough to where you think you’re fine then throw another nalgene on top. Well hydrated body=happy body. I drink roughly 160oz a day, but I do work out rigorously.
General static stretch routines can be of great help and paired with hydration and exercise can work much faster than you might think. I’d be happy to write up a stretch routine this evening if interested.
Another tip-if you’re planning on doing anything with a heavy pack, start now with lighter weight and work your way up. I wear my 70lb (going up 5 lbs/ wk) backpack in the house when I cook, feed the dog, go up and down stairs, basically all the time that I’m not in the bathroom. This will help your weighted agility and help you get used to the weight. Do Not wait until you have a 900 lb animal on the ground to figure out how much weight you can handle on your back.
This agility training will also help your joints get used to the weight, and if you walk a couple miles with the weight every day you’ll be in decent shape. There is no substitute for practice, and a simple 3 mile, 45 minute walk with your pack, drinking plenty of water, and stretching will pay dividends in the field.
Yoga classes at a local gym are a good place to start. Instructor can help you with form and once you know what's going on you can work along with YouTube videos.

Weight training, yoga, and biking are my current flavors.
Asana rebel is a great app that only cost me $35 for a year. Its kinda hokey at first but the workouts are great and can tailor to your preferences.
I had some lower back issues that I think were related to hamstring tightness. Five years ago there was no way I could get close to touching my toes. Now I prop each leg up on the bathroom sink and touch my toes for two cycles of my sonic care toothbrush. That gives me two minutes per leg per day. I have never liked stretching, but I don’t even think about it anymore while killing two birds with one stone. No back problems and I can touch my toes easy.
Interested in this as well. Did some digging around and never really found anything satisfactory. I came away feeling that mobility just isn't as developed as other areas of fitness. Most of the mobility routines were way too involved. I don't want a 30 minute shoulder routine, another for hips, 6 great hamstring stretches, 200 Kelly Starrett WODs... For strength, on the other hand, you can get on a simple, 4-5 lift routine that takes about 30 minutes and get significantly stronger really fast. I tried to find something similar for mobility and the best I came up with was 15 minutes of Ashtanga yoga, but I'm not totally sold.
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