Neck shot ethics

The last buck I took (01 Nov) I took a neck shot at 238yds. The bullet hit almost at the base of the skull. The buck dropped where he stood. This is the first time I took a neck shot.
I’ve shot a handful of deer in the neck. Haven’t had one take a step yet (knock on wood). It is not my first or second choice for shot placement, but it is effective as long as you are comfortable with the shot. A fragmenting bullet will give you a little more leeway. That being said, I don’t know what 44 mag bullets would fragment enough to encourage me to try a neck shot with one.

I would never encourage someone to take a neck shot unless it is already wounded and down.
I think something that needs to be considered with some of the responses is distance of the shot. I’m actually baffled at the number of people against neck shots. The OP stated it was only a 40yard shot and some responders say they don’t feel comfortable taking that shot? At 40yards? With a firearm?!! I’m all for knowing your boundaries but this isn’t a difficult shot imo. As stated in a previous thread I grew up shooting this way because my old man didn’t like tracking animals. My experience differed from many here. It’s a great shot and anchors the animal in its tracks. For reference below is the shot I’m referring to, base of the neck and even a dots width further forward IME.
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I think something that needs to be considered with some of the responses is distance of the shot. I’m actually baffled at the number of people against neck shots. The OP stated it was only a 40yard shot and some responders say they don’t feel comfortable taking that shot? At 40yards? With a firearm?!! I’m all for knowing your boundaries but this isn’t a difficult shot imo. As stated in a previous thread I grew up shooting this way because my old man didn’t like tracking animals. My experience differed from many here. It’s a great shot and anchors the animal in its tracks. For reference below is the shot I’m referring to, base of the neck and even a dots with further forward IME.
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I'll bet that's not what most here are thinking of when they think of a neck shot.
I had a similar predicament this last Friday, only shot was a Texas heart shot or back of the neck at about 40 yards...I hesitated and let the buck walk. After the fact I was cussing myself for not taking the shot because I've shot em in the neck a few times now and it worked every time.

Luckily I went out to the same area the next morning and got on the same buck first thing and was able to kill him.

I think neck shots up close are deadly, I dont know if they are a good option for long range shots though.
I think something that needs to be considered with some of the responses is distance of the shot. I’m actually baffled at the number of people against neck shots. The OP stated it was only a 40yard shot and some responders say they don’t feel comfortable taking that shot? At 40yards? With a firearm?!! I’m all for knowing your boundaries but this isn’t a difficult shot imo. As stated in a previous thread I grew up shooting this way because my old man didn’t like tracking animals. My experience differed from many here. It’s a great shot and anchors the animal in its tracks. For reference below is the shot I’m referring to, base of the neck and even a dots with further forward IME.
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Good point, I was referring to neck shots as in, between the base of the skull and the muscles from the shoulder. Truly, only neck meat/bone/esophagus/windpipe to hit. The shot you referred to wasn’t even in my head.
Depends on the distance - inside 100 yards I'll take a neck shot all day long. Longer shots I go for the boiler room. A neck shot will drop a deer in its tracks -the hydrostatic shock basically explodes the blood vessels in the neck and brain - lights out.
Genuine question here as a novice bow hunter (shot and carried one around for years, but still consider myself a novice).

Since OP mentioned he's more of a bow hunter and hesitated with this shot with a rifle, would the shot below be considered taboo to serious archery hunters?


The doe was facing head on and that white throat patch made for a great aiming point. She fell on her face at the shot and the broadhead had to be unscrewed to pull the arrow out from between the vertebrae.
I shot a white tail doe in the side of the neck. .243 wirh 85 gn Nosler Partition. Now I will admit that maybe I didn't make a great shot. I was young and excited but I didn't like the results. She dropped but she was no where near dead.
Every other ungulate I have shot with that same rifle and bullet in the vitals has been dead within 3 steps.

Right or wrong i won't tell someone what they should do. Just do your homework and make sure you can hit what ever you decide is best for you. I believe having confidence in you ans your abilities sets you up for the best success.
I know a guy that uses a 5.56 vmax on whitetail. He takes lung or neck shots. Devastating results and big blood trails on the neck shots.
Sure, its lethal if all goes well but it has a higher margin for error. I'm not one to gamble with the chance to wound an animal. A neck shot to me, as a 40 year hunter, a 20 year guide, and as someone who respects the game I pursue, is that neck shots should be a last resort used only as an attempt to put a wounded animal down.
I'll take a neck shot every chance I get. Furthest is 262 yards on a bedded buck that had a little 18" window under a pine tree.

Bang flop every single time when using frangible bullets. Had a 4 deer neck shot streak going a few years back and it was just nuts how fast they die compare to being lung shot.
Only gonna take a neck shot after I've already hit the animal on the first shot. The bull elk I killed this year with a copper bullet had lead fragments in his neck. To someone he's the BOAL that got away. To me he's dinner.
I have shot 3 elk and 2 deer with a neck shot due to circumstances. All were bedded inside of 250 yards and I had a good rest and 100% confidence in my gun at that range (sub MOA rifle). Neck shot was higher percentage than trying to shoot vitals on a bedded animal quartered towards me. All 4 of 5 animals did not get out of their bed. The 5th ran about 40 yards and tipped over. When done correctly it can be very effective. Although, on a standing animal I always take a shot through the vitals.
Can You make the shot? Yep, take it. I've shot many in the neck, though I prefer the high shoulder shot. You will definitely, have less meat damage.