National red flag law

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When we lose the SCOTUS, then we can declare war. Until then, the system still works.

And this next election will be sure telling if the vote pumping/dumping, and forgery is going to be a real thing going forward....if there isn't a red wave then we know the fix is on for real and the dems are just that good at hiding it or protecting it.

Until then, we sit back, prepare, and wait. We can not cede any rights or freedoms in the name of safety, period, end of story. The US will NEVER be able to legislate safety, and until people start taking some responsibility for themselves and stop depending on depends in the WH to protect us from everything, we will continue to see the sheep get stolen.

Sad but true fact about the world, evil exists, and it finds ways to try and make more evil.
Exactly @Overdrive Red flags place the burden of proof of innocence on the defendant, the exact opposite of our rights laid out in the constitution. The burden is compounded by the high price of lawyers it takes to remove the red flag, along with a loss of protection and rights during the process. Seen it first hand already, completely abused system.

Having kids, it makes me sick that they go to school without protection in some liberal lala fantasy land that everything is sunshine and rainbows. At the same time, the libs are soft on crime and personal responsibility, and they enable all kinds of debauchery. People wonder why all these shootings happen? Just look at the clown world that was created, and then you see crazy (clowns) thriving. 10 million new gun owners in the last few years agree - more guns make us safer.
Having kids, it makes me sick that they go to school without protection in some liberal lala fantasy land that everything is sunshine and rainbows. At the same time, the libs are soft on crime and personal responsibility, and they enable all kinds of debauchery. People wonder why all these shootings happen? Just look at the clown world that was created, and then you see crazy (clowns) thriving. 10 million new gun owners in the last few years agree - more guns make us safer.
So u think it is a bad idea to temporarily remove guns from crazy’s

Where did I ever say it was a bad idea to suspend firearm possession for "crazy's"?

It's a damn fool idea in the long sad history of damn fool ideas to allow a Nosey Nancy neighbor (or pissing off a Karen) to determine you're a threat because she's irate with you, calls the local law enforcement, and then you have to prove your level of sanity.

There is no judge or LEO qualified to determine your mental fitness.

Who hasn't posted something on social media about distrust in the government or disagreed publicly with policy? This is the first litmus test on infringing on 1st Amendment Rights when you cannot publicly petition your government for a redress of grievances.

And sorry, as mentioned, the Due Process Clause is superior to a "Red Flag Law" because for Due Process, a handful of conditions need to be met first in order to initiate the possession of private property under its language. A Red Flag Law would have to cite those conditions established under Due Process.
The people that are putting themselves in charge of defining who’s crazy now suddenly can’t tell the difference between male and female, they think it’s a good idea to put trannies in elementary schools to groom little kids. You can’t send your kid to school with an aspirin but they are administering puberty blockers and refusing to notify the parents.
Just the other day they thought defunding they police was a good idea or burning down cities were just peaceful protest and warranted to accomplish their goals.
The same people are doing everything they can to eliminate the first amendment to silence opposing views.
They aren’t done with lock downs and mask after absolutely crippling the economy and causing permanent damage to our entire population.
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The people that are putting themselves in charge of defining who’s crazy now suddenly can’t tell the difference between make an female, they think it’s a good idea to put trannies in elementary schools to groom little kids. You can’t send your kid to school with an aspirin but they are administering puberty blockers and refusing to notify the parents.
Just the other day they thought defunding they police was a good idea or burning down cities were just peaceful protest and warranted to accomplish their goals.
The same people are doing everything they can to eliminate the first amendment to silence opposing views.
They aren’t done with lock downs and mask after absolutely crippling the economy and causing permanent damage to our entire population.

Yep, clearly the inmates are running the asylum.
Here's what I've learned reading this forum the last couple days:

How to resolve disagreements:
Scream and hurl insults while telling the 'other guy' to "stop being emotional and think clearly".

How to compromise:
Tell the other guy he's an idiot. Clearly YOUR way is the ONLY logical way.

How to spot a "crazy":
There is none; just because nearly every mass shooter has talked about killing people or posted about killing people before he does it, doesn't make him crazy. Just because he's mentally unstable and everyone knows he's crazy, doesn't make him crazy. Just because he has a hair-trigger temper, no friends, a lengthy record with the police, a troubled home life, and a lot of hatred, doesn't make him a threat to commit violence. Ignore all of these - they mean precisely nothing. Yes, they're traits we've seen in nearly every shooting case, but let's not jump to any conclusions. We'll need thousands of dead people before we can even start to draw any conclusions on what to look for in a mass killer's mental make-up.

How to console the parent of a murdered child:
Say this, "Man, that really sucks. Too bad you aren't more of a trained bad-ass like me. That's why I'm always packing and the Batmobile is ready to go at a moments notice. If that was my kid's school, I'd have gotten there before the cops left the donut shop. Sorry for your loss, man." Avoid adding "better you than me". It's bad taste.
Here's what I've learned reading this forum the last couple days:

How to resolve disagreements:
Scream and hurl insults while telling the 'other guy' to "stop being emotional and think clearly".

How to compromise:
Tell the other guy he's an idiot. Clearly YOUR way is the ONLY logical way.

How to spot a "crazy":
There is none; just because nearly every mass shooter has talked about killing people or posted about killing people before he does it, doesn't make him crazy. Just because he's mentally unstable and everyone knows he's crazy, doesn't make him crazy. Just because he has a hair-trigger temper, no friends, a lengthy record with the police, a troubled home life, and a lot of hatred, doesn't make him a threat to commit violence. Ignore all of these - they mean precisely nothing. Yes, they're traits we've seen in nearly every shooting case, but let's not jump to any conclusions. We'll need thousands of dead people before we can even start to draw any conclusions on what to look for in a mass killer's mental make-up.

How to console the parent of a murdered child:
Say this, "Man, that really sucks. Too bad you aren't more of a trained bad-ass like me. That's why I'm always packing and the Batmobile is ready to go at a moments notice. If that was my kid's school, I'd have gotten there before the cops left the donut shop. Sorry for your loss, man." Avoid adding "better you than me". It's bad taste.

Does that consolation technique work the same for when a parent loses a child to a lousy POS booze drinking alcoholic too STUPID to not get behind the wheel with multiple DWI's?

Asking for a guy in the back of the room who couldn't be heard over your monolog...
No I don’t. There should be a due process to make it happen
These red flag laws remove firearms at the mere accusation. You then have to prove after the fact that you are innocent. Which I'm sure will be easy. Look into civil asset forfeiture to see just how easy this is.

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Does that consolation technique work the same for when a parent loses a child to a lousy POS booze drinking alcoholic too STUPID to not get behind the wheel with multiple DWI's?

Asking for a guy in the back of the room who couldn't be heard over your monolog...
Well, in my learnings from how to compromise, I know the correct response is "I agree with you." :)
Its laughable that this is never brought up with all the shootings in Chicago, new York, California. No one cries for all the babies killed by abortion every day.
Or the root cause of all of these fatherless nut jobs from broken families committing these crimes. I dont think society really understands the damage that happens to these boys from not having a father or even a father figure in their life. You know to show them how to be a man and father. Sad place this world has become.
How to spot a "crazy":
There is none; just because nearly every mass shooter has talked about killing people or posted about killing people before he does it, doesn't make him crazy. Just because he's mentally unstable and everyone knows he's crazy, doesn't make him crazy. Just because he has a hair-trigger temper, no friends, a lengthy record with the police, a troubled home life, and a lot of hatred, doesn't make him a threat to commit violence. Ignore all of these - they mean precisely nothing. Yes, they're traits we've seen in nearly every shooting case, but let's not jump to any conclusions. We'll need thousands of dead people before we can even start to draw any conclusions on what to look for in a mass killer's mental make-up.

The proper response to this would be to reintroduce the public mental health system that was largely dismantled in the early to mid 80's in favor of "community treatment," that was never funded. You know, deal with those who are the problem and leave the rest of us alone.
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