National Park Price increase


Dec 4, 2014
It's not hunting related per say but what are some of your thoughts on the new proposed fee's at some of the more visited national parks? While I think it's a huge price increase that is slightly shocking, that's not to say that the current prices are grossly under value which might make the increase reasonable. I'd like to submit a few comments but I was interested in hearing others thoughts on this to make sure I'm seeing the whole picture.

National Park Service Proposes Targeted Fee Increases at Parks to Address Maintenance Backlog 2 - Office of Communications (U.S. National Park Service)
I wonder if because they are so over crowded they are trying to thin attendance. It does seem alittle steep for an increase.
Since I've been out here in CA and gone to Yosemite several times, I picked up the annual pass. To me, it's a steal. Yeah, $70 for one vehicle for one visit is pretty steep but that just makes the annual pass at $80 a slam dunk. Granted, many folks may not have the opportunity to go to a park more than once a year but I don't think it's that bad if you are only paying $70 once to take the family to a park. Consider what it costs to go to a sports balls game or amusement park with the family. After seeing how many people flood into Yosemite during the summer (and even off seasons), there is a ton of maintenance and upkeep to the roads and facilities.

Also, isn't an entrance fee good for a couple of days? I seem to remember something like that before I got my annual pass.
I'm fine with the increase and think that the annual pass ($75) and the all park pass ($80) should be increased also. As long as the extra gets used wisely (that's probably asking to much of our government😂).
You should spend the day at Rocky Mountain National Park when it is busy. It is unbelievable how many people are there and how crowded the touristy spots are. They are already at capacity during the tourist season and talking about implementing daily quotas. I see no problem with responding to Supply and Demand.
The daily pass is good for a few days. I would suapect the yearly pass os gping to go up as well.

If this is a reaction to being overcrowded that's one thing, but if it's a $$ issue I think they're barking up the wrong tree. The sensible approach would be to charge foreign visitors more than US residents as they are a large % of the users; at least at Yosemite.

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I do know that even if I drove 1000 miles to a Park and they told me it would be $70 to enter, I'd turn around and leave. But they can charge whatever the market will bear, I'm just not part of the market paying that.
It bothers me that anyone is looking at this a marketable commodity. It's not a supply and demand thing and thank God it isn't. You think it wouldn't be an elitist playground in a heartbeat?

I see these as the crown jewels of our public lands. These are the best of America's natural places and they are charging Americans way to much to enter.

I would rather see the entirety of their funding come from the Govt so anyone who can get to the entrance can experience what lies within. If they want to limit numbers per day that's fine but barring someone from using public lands because they can't pony up $70 is wrong. I wouldn't mind one bit if they charged non resident tourist far more than that to visit, but Americans should have unlimited access to our wild places.

I agree that when you roll the cost into what it generally takes to get there it's not that expensive, but that's beside the point.
It bothers me that anyone is looking at this a marketable commodity. It's not a supply and demand thing and thank God it isn't. You think it wouldn't be an elitist playground in a heartbeat?

I see these as the crown jewels of our public lands. These are the best of America's natural places and they are charging Americans way to much to enter.

I would rather see the entirety of their funding come from the Govt so anyone who can get to the entrance can experience what lies within. If they want to limit numbers per day that's fine but barring someone from using public lands because they can't pony up $70 is wrong. I wouldn't mind one bit if they charged non resident tourist far more than that to visit, but Americans should have unlimited access to our wild places.

I agree that when you roll the cost into what it generally takes to get there it's not that expensive, but that's beside the point.

So you would rather have taxpaying Americans pay more in taxes (hence government funding) that would allow all people, including non-taxpaying residents and visitors, access?

I'm fine with charging people more when they aren't contributing to the funding already. Perhaps we get a coupon when we file taxes for 30% off or something.
I remember my dad taking me to see the last firefall.... they stopped it to lessen tourism in Yosemite....yeah, that worked- /sarc

Bump it to $70....but also bump it for those busloads of riff riff they truck in there daily. So far the increase only upsets 5Miles...and he's cranky all the time anyway- grin. They are getting the money from somewhere....I'm always in favor of more direct funding.
It makes good sense to up the prices. Look what we pay to hunt, look what we pay to hunt out of state. I understand public lands need to remain largely free but national parks are straight up tourists traps and to run them in the black they need considerable funding.
Revenue created at each specific Park will not stay at that Park. It will go into a pot and be distributed to them all. Public lands should be open to all citizens, in an ideal world the only charge you would pay are your taxes. Part of me asks, what is the real reason for the increase? In a year or two are we going to see politicians come out and say that less people are going to National Parks and that we should just close it and bid it off to the highest bidder for mining or a rich mans play ground.
It wont effect me at all. I already avoid state and national parks as much as possible. They are overcrowded and less wild than my back yard in a lot of cases. If they are having trouble keeping up with maintenance it would be nice if they could just add an extra fee to the super busy parks and deposit that fee straight into that specific park. Also if a park isnt coming out in the black they could just start closing roads and make it walk in/primitive camping only. I honestly don't even understand the thinking of having these parks sometimes. We have turned awesome places into tourist attractions.
So far the increase only upsets 5Miles...and he's cranky all the time anyway- grin.

Actually, it doesn't upset me at all. I have a lifetime Access Pass, and still barely use that.;)

Since almost half the country's population doesn't pay any taxes already, the rich are already funding these parks. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of all their funding (fees and appropriations) and where it goes.
I remember my dad taking me to see the last firefall.... they stopped it to lessen tourism in Yosemite....yeah, that worked- /sarc

Bump it to $70....but also bump it for those busloads of riff riff they truck in there daily. So far the increase only upsets 5Miles...and he's cranky all the time anyway- grin. They are getting the money from somewhere....I'm always in favor of more direct funding.

5miles is not the only one ticked off about this, Me and the wife was planning to take the grand kids to Yellowstone park this coming summer, looks like that wont happen.