Narrow Mtn Road Etiquette


Mar 1, 2012
'Tis the season for a reminder about driving on narrow mtn roads

In Colorado - The Guide to Right-of-Way Laws in Colorado | YourMechanic Advice

On mountain roads where there is not enough room for two vehicles, the downhill-facing vehicle must yield right of way to the vehicle going up, either by stopping or by backing up to a wider point, unless it is safer and more practical for the vehicle going up to move.
I like to ride my SxS/truck in the middle of the road at 50 mph. This makes sure I can't react to oncoming when I cross blind corners. Seems to work well so far.

Edit: Had way too many near misses this summer and fall from out of staters (Almost all Texans and Minnesota for some reason...). No you can't fly around like no one else would be coming around that corner.
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'Tis the season for a reminder about driving on narrow mtn roads

In Colorado - The Guide to Right-of-Way Laws in Colorado | YourMechanic Advice

On mountain roads where there is not enough room for two vehicles, the downhill-facing vehicle must yield right of way to the vehicle going up, either by stopping or by backing up to a wider point, unless it is safer and more practical for the vehicle going up to move.
Shocking that this isn’t common knowledge among outdoorsmen, but I’ve seen it many so many times it obviously a reminder is needed.
A good reminder. Last weekend in Ketchum I approached a dude and instead of him moving over into the wide spot (level ground) that was just ahead of him, he drove right past it to me, where there was no wide spot for either of us…oh I was hoping my mirror would have taken out his glossy, black, expensive Audi side mirror for that kind of idiocy. Would have been worth it…
Good reminder. I was actually thinking about this in Sept and couldn't remember the actual rule. Luckily we've never had a real tight encounter. But many times someone in the truck has said "I sure hope nobody comes the other way".
It is the same in Ca. The thinking behind it is that if you are backing up down hill, there is a higher likelihood of backing over the edgd, i.e., gravity increasing the danger.
I would add that a level of courtesy and common sense should always be applied in these situations. Even if you have the "right of way" by the book be a good neighbor and give that logging truck, stock trailer, or camper the road, if you can, regardless of uphill vs. downhill.
There is a pecking order in my mind, if there is logging traffic/loggers, they are working, I will always try to not impede them in any way

Also have a CB and monitor the channel for the road you’re on
I like to ride my SxS/truck in the middle of the road at 50 mph. This makes sure I can't react to oncoming when I cross blind corners. Seems to work well so far.

Edit: Had way too many near misses this summer and fall from out of staters (Almost all Texans and Minnesota for some reason...). No you can't fly around like no one else would be coming around that corner.
A quad almost went head on with my grill guard yesterday in the fog. I came to a complete stop from 10mph. He slid to a stop about 10 feet from the guard, and kindly proceeded to back into the turnout. He gave me an “oh sh**, sorry” wave as I went past him. I’m really glad I didn’t have to get my hood repaired from his teeth hitting it.
There are so many exceptions to this it makes the guideline almost useless. Vehicle distance to turn around, vertical exposure, and road conditions to name a few. A lot of armatures get bent out of shape because they think this guideline is a rule. The people most vocal about this seem to always be in an out of state jeep incapable of travel faster than 2 mph.
There are so many exceptions to this it makes the guideline almost useless. Vehicle distance to turn around, vertical exposure, and road conditions to name a few. A lot of armatures get bent out of shape because they think this guideline is a rule. The people most vocal about this seem to always be in an out of state jeep incapable of travel faster than 2 mph.
I get your point, but the last time I looked, it was vehicle code, not a guideline.