My Turn To Be the Dunce

Feb 18, 2013
Done went and dry fired my Hoyt RX4 Ultra 10 days before our TX opener. :eek:

Was checking peep sight alignment, went to let down and "blammo"! String snapped in three pieces at the speed nock. Remarkably, I can't find anything else wrong on the bow! No cracks in limbs or riser, bent cams/axles, or anything. I put a spare string on to get it out of the press (cables had held up, btw), and it draws fine, with no noises or unusual feel/string travel).

Ordered some new strings, and will see what happens after tuning it back up, but at this point, I think it's living up to the Hoyt reputation.

As for my opening weekend, I will be just fine with my longbow. I like shooting it better anyways.
Glad your bow is ok. My son did the same dame thing when we where setting his peep on his Mathews VXR. We got lucky like you only had to replace the strings and cables but his bow was only at about 68 pounds glad it didn’t have the 75 pound mods on it

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Done went and dry fired my Hoyt RX4 Ultra 10 days before our TX opener. :eek:

Was checking peep sight alignment, went to let down and "blammo"! String snapped in three pieces at the speed nock. Remarkably, I can't find anything else wrong on the bow! No cracks in limbs or riser, bent cams/axles, or anything. I put a spare string on to get it out of the press (cables had held up, btw), and it draws fine, with no noises or unusual feel/string travel).

Ordered some new strings, and will see what happens after tuning it back up, but at this point, I think it's living up to the Hoyt reputation.

As for my opening weekend, I will be just fine with my longbow. I like shooting it better anyways.
Back in 02 I bought a new Hoyt ultratec and when I got it home before my accessories arrived, I of course had to draw it back with my fingers, first time I rolled the cams over I dry fired it! Luckily for me. It only derailed… still have a scar on my wrist from that situation

Fast forward to the next year, my good friend got a new Martin (back when they were a big player) and luckily he learned from my mistake and loaded an arrow before drawing.. well… his fingers slipped too, but luckily he had an arrow nocked, and only shot out his bedroom window 😂

In 19, i bought a triax impulsively and was walking out from a spring bear hunt and stepped over a buckskin log, both my feet went out from under me and I ate shit, I was on an old logging road and there was gravel under the mud and I dinged my cam pretty bad.

When I got home, I was pulling it back just a couple inches to see if the ding was going to rub on the string, and I always used to hook my release around the string.. well, I pulled it back enough to let the release slide down the string and derail it 😂 so then I had to go to the bow shop and explain how dumb I was, haha

Stuff happens man, we aren’t always paying attention to the little stuff, but a small disaster will make sure it doesn’t happen again in the future… we have to be able to laugh at ourselves… but at the time, being humbled isn’t the best outcome, but it’s how we learn
Shit happens. Yesterday the thumb barrel on my nock2it release somehow came loose and the thing went flying and my arrow or the release caught my knuckle on the way out. Never happened before
Seems to me, with the additional performance we get from these Compounds....they get a little bit more critical of having everything perfect- like those skeletonized cams I've seen get bent twice from buddies falling and banging them on something. If you fall with these new compounds, make sure you hit the ground first- grin

I have never derailed a bow...though I have had a set of Recurve limbs- Uukha Selenghas top limb broke and a big chunk hit me in the cheek right below my left eye. Whew, close.

My buddy derailed his old Switchback on a NM elk hunt...but he got to back together with a ratchet strap- all good. Those older bows just seemed to be a little bit more bullet proof.
If you fall with these new compounds, make sure you hit the ground first- grin
I was running with my bow a couple years ago on my sheep hunt and hit a slick spot and my feet went out from under me. Holding the bow with my right hand (left-handed) and landed on the rocks on my right side.....hip, ribs, thigh, knee.....but the bow was held high in the air. Now I find that I have a large tear in the labrum in my right hip, which I thought was just residual pain from my lower back last couple years. Also had a deep thigh bruise that bled into my knee and lower leg for 6 weeks. But hey......the bow was fine! :ROFLMAO:
I was running with my bow a couple years ago on my sheep hunt and hit a slick spot and my feet went out from under me. Holding the bow with my right hand (left-handed) and landed on the rocks on my right side.....hip, ribs, thigh, knee.....but the bow was held high in the air. Now I find that I have a large tear in the labrum in my right hip, which I thought was just residual pain from my lower back last couple years. Also had a deep thigh bruise that bled into my knee and lower leg for 6 weeks. But hey......the bow was fine! :ROFLMAO:
Gotta do what you gotta do right?!