My pursuit for "85" Nor-Cal Blacktail.....

Ha thanks guys I really appreciate the comments! I thought my season couldn't get any better until yesterday evening when I tagged out on my second nor cal blackie... Had a long night... Will post pics later as I am working now.
This is awesome, Congrats. A timeline of pictures of the deer growing up would look excellent next to the mount.
Simply awesome! Blacktails are amazing animals and a blast to hunt. You put in the time and effort and were rewarded!
This is what it is all about. Hard work, perseverence, planning, execution, and ...


Truly incredible hunt, story, and trophy.

I am fairly certain that would be Mule Deer for measurement purposes for P&Y, B&C and CBH. But a hell of a buck I wouldn't pass up with any CA tag.
Rosin is right... I would be in same boat as perry creamins how his monster buck is pure blacktail but just east of the boundary (the road deer never ever cross ;-).... )so it would be scored in pope young as a different species (mule). Which is too bad.. Guys who know these nor cal blacktail bucks and muleys know these are blackies and I'll keep hunting and killing them.
It's jus funny to me when a guy starts killin big bucks in an area all the noisemakers will come out an start sayin "oh that's not a blacktail bla bla bla" but the average Joe who kills average bucks in the same area no one ever says squat. Trkyslr and I scout religiously 365/24/7 and work hard to find, pattern and learn these bucks. It took us 3 yrs to figure these two legends out and finally all the hard work was rewarded. I am not pickin a fight or arguing with anyone just stating my thoughts. A few other threads some jack A$$ had to comment how these were mulies yet they have no clue about the area or deer, yet we lived here most our lives an breath this stuff. I don't say the bucks in a certain area aren't what they claim em to be cuz I honestly don't know. Anyways great deer I'm jealous and as trkyslr said we will continue to killm an make peeps go :-0
Joe, I think many believe the bucks are mule deer because of the geographic area they are killed in. In CA they are recognized as mule deer because of that. The boundaries for blacktails in CA are generous in my opinion so deer species are clearly defined them.

I have not read any thread on any forum that questions your or Chris' dedication to your hunting. If there has been I have not read them. I have spent enough time around both of you to vouch if you guys are awake, some type of hunting, planning, scouting, etc. is going on.

I think many "Blacktail" hunters/enthusiasts are turned off by the term "Blacktail" being used to describe your bucks when they are killed outside the recognized are for blacktails. Are these guys jealous, probably some but not all. The average guy killing average bucks in your area isn't calling them blacktails and that is why no one says anything.

I think both of Chris' latest bucks are great trophies in CA.
Doug, I don't want to turn this into a debate but you are going by a boundary set many many years ago by a personal opinion record book. If I'm incorrect let me know. To me it's just a little interesting that California fish and game did an extensive study 2006 and testing on all deer in the state by DNA and other species related test that resulted in the deer being as far east as the lower foothills of the Sierra nevadas being "columbian blacktails". I know California and the fish and game is a joke but I dint think their liberal side cares about the debate over the blacktail range and what py and bc think. Just saying...
Also looking at 85 he shows All characteristics of a true blacktail unless mule deer now grow thick full black tails from the tip of tale all the way to their rump, short ears, facial characteristics, live weight 20-30 % lighter then a mule deer etc...
This debate will go on well past my life as there will always be people with opinions..... Either way I know what I hunt and kill and will keep at it as long as I can.
Also doug thanks for the positive comments... Really appreciate it!! Good luck on your elk next month and we will bs about both our trips. :-)