My Kifaru Reckoning weighs 9 lbs

My 26” bikini frame with comp stays and a medium belt, AMR, Guide Lid, Nalgene pocket, mini belt pouch, and medium belt pouch weighs in at 6#3oz.

I’ve made a few mods and removed a few things but super happy with weight vs performance and don’t see myself changing any time soon.

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Checked tonight and I do have composite stays. Was excited about a potential 9 oz savings. Oh well. I did order a cargo net today, so after first load of meat is brought to the truck I can swap out the bag and accessories for that.
I also found the gun bearer to be essential but god awful annoying in trying to keep the rifle in one spot. I've never been closer to throwing an expensive rifle than when it was slapping me in the side of the head every step for no apparent reason at the end of a long hike. Take it out, put it back in, good to go. Happened on and off the whole trip. I do think I'll try Kuiu's holder bottom as it attaches on the ends of the pouch instead of the center.

In a recent podcast, Aron said that Kifaru will be coming out with a new model of gun carrier, possibly called a Gun Grab-It (although that might change by the time it hits the market).

Just in case that's of interest! :)
In a recent podcast, Aron said that Kifaru will be coming out with a new model of gun carrier, possibly called a Gun Grab-It (although that might change by the time it hits the market).

Just in case that's of interest! :)

To Aron:

I've never done this but I hear that you can substitute the composite stays with arrows. That should help shave weight, but that might affect the load capacity
Run the bottom pouch for the gun bearer off the accessory loops off the back of the bag and use your three center compression straps to fasten your rifle to the bag. Definitely not quick access but secured and out of the way is definitely convenient, until a bear runs out, pack a pistol or a really slow friend in that case.

I'm currently having my wife make me a deeper pouch for the butt of my rifle stock with the strap and k clips from my gun bearer, my rifle has a tendency to slide out of the pouch every now and then. I wish they would come out with a half gun scabbard that would clip to the center of the pack, for easier access.

Not trying to start the war here, but after having tried my friends Kuiu pack on with 50ish odd pounds the Kifaru was more comfortable to me. Definitely try to check out any pack in person to see if you like it. Who knows the Kuiu could be the one for you. Have not got to try Stone Glacier but they look like they're put together pretty solid from the pictures I have seen. After having a waist belt fail on my old Badlands 4500 I chose the Kifaru because it looked the most bomb proof and was the most comfortable for me. But to each their own I suppose.
I've never done this but I hear that you can substitute the composite stays with arrows. That should help shave weight, but that might affect the load capacity

Yes, you can swap carbon arrow shafts for your current stays. As long as the profile fits your back it’s a sweet weight savings option. Several of us have done it for a while with zero negative outcomes.

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Yes, you can swap carbon arrow shafts for your current stays. As long as the profile fits your back it’s a sweet weight savings option. Several of us have done it for a while with zero negative outcomes.

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I may try this out just for the sake of trying it out.
After spending years trying various Kifaru frames and packs in all sorts of combinations, I decided the weight penalty isn’t worth it. Removing pockets saves a few ounces here and there, swapping out metal buckles saves a couple grams, but I use pockets all the time, and the savings really need to be in the pounds to make a difference. My base weight minus rifle and food comes to about 11-12lbs minus pack and frame. Why add a 9lbs pack to that? Ended up swapping for a sg. Still not ultralight—I wish the straight stays on the krux frame worked for my back and hips actually, the pack always just slides down now matter how hard I cinch it—but couldn’t be happier.
Happy to report that the Kuiu quick draw rifle cradle has apparently solved my issues. Using the bottom half of it and the top part of the Kifaru Gunbearer. The way it attaches to the pack belt keeps the rifle from turning. It may be a bit harder to get it the butt of the rifle in the cradle, but now I can just unbuckle it and put it in if needed. And the quick draw seems to work better than the Kifaru pouch, much less material to drag on. Shaved a couple ounces too.
This thread caught my curiosity since the Kifaru Reckoning and hunter frame is what I run.

Hunter duplex frame, Reckoning bag, gps pocket, Nalgene pocket, small and medium side pockets and rifle carrier right at 7.5 lbs.
I’m not sure if I was clear enough in my earlier post but the kifaru ultralite frame I was talking about is Kifaru’s newer frame that sort of looks like the bikini. Not the old ultralite frame that has the carbon arrow stays. I think that the new ultralite frame is pretty darn light

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Been thinking about getting a hanging scale off amazon for a while. This thread expedited my urge.

Kifaru lite frame 24” M belt, 2800 muskeg, 2 medium pouches, 1 small pouch, 1 mini, 1 bottle holder, 1 gun bearer.
7 pounds as far as I’m concerned @ 6.95ish.

SG evo large belt 5900 (no lid) one belt pouch, one pods nalgene holder and one gun holder. ~4.95

2 pounds difference.....

I think the Kifaru functions better in real life so far carrying a weapon. Carries heavy weight REALLY well, slightly better than the SG after much training. Kifaru has seen real dead animal weight as oppose to training weight. SG has not. Testing to continue.

My .02
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I know my Kifaru is heavier than some other packs out there, but it carries weight so well and feels so good on me I honestly don't care that much. I had a KUIU that was a few pounds lighter and it wasn't nearly as comfortable for me, so whats the use of a lighter pack that doesn't carry as well? I'm sure there are lighter options that may work as good, but for me the Kifaru just fits like a glove and i'm sticking with it.
I thought the lightweight-ness was the biggest selling point with kifaru?

Kifaru has never claimed to be an ultralight backpacking company. They build for ruggedness and load carrying ability.

Stone Glacier and Kuiu are the two that come to my mind when I think lightweight.