Finally weighed my RedKettle Light Ventile Hunting Jacket M19, medium - 1194 grams.
I'll let you imperialists do the maths (plural) on coverting that to whatever dram/hundredweight-equivalent y'all still using over there.
This has been sweated in, and washed, so I don't know if it's marginally heavier or lighter out of the box, but at least we have an indicative weight.
For context, the Stone Glacier M5 is advertised at 500 grams, and most thigh-length 3-layor Gore-Tex hiking jackets I have are in the 740-770 gram range - so the M19 is about 60% heavier than a relatively heavy Gore-Tex.
To me, this seems a little heavy for a hiking jacket. Ironlically, that's meant I now carry it as an everyday raincoat.
The hood is still clunky - I haven't worked out how to get it right in a couple of years. Thought I had it sorted perrrrfectly the other day, and thought that people were smiling at me because I was so smart to have taken a jacket out in the rain ... got back to the car only to see that the hood was halfway back from my hairline, making me look like some kind of demented bird.
But there is something to be said for the quiet fabric, the natural feel, and the disbelievers who don't think cotton could be waterproof.