My Dog is still Tuned up and Ready for 23-24 season

Sep 28, 2018
Last night was another one for the books. Here is the scene setup. My electrical closet is in my basement at the rear corner of my house. On the exterior of the house at that same corner my ac unit and deck are positioned. I was putting a couple of tools away in the electrical closet last night when my cur dog. I ran up out of the basement and grabbed a flashlight to investigate. There was the dog running around the AC unit and under the deck trying to find something with his nose at the ground level. It was overly obvious there was A) a cat B) a coon or C) a possum. Within seconds of my arrival, he dashed up under the deck. Under deck access isn't easy; the majority of the underside of the deck isn't visible because lattice was put up to "look nice". To get under the deck. you gotta crawl in between the A/C unit and deck to get . As soon as I get far enough down there to see and there was a mighty hissing and snarling in addition to an overly excited dog. Alas!!!!! a summertime coon had come for a visit. He/she was probably drawn by the pungent trash my beautiful wife had put out the back door but didn't take to the proper receptacle.. I knew this would only end quickly if I killed the dang thing before the dog managed to grab it. I ran back in the house and to the basement to grab the trusty Sig Mosquito with suppressor and streamlight. I get back to the deck and crawl back under it and I take aim and try to time my trigger pull so I don't shoot the dog while he's jumping at the coon. I pulled the trigger.....Click...."Dangit, no bullet chambered" As I go to rack the slide, the might cur gets a small mouthful of coon. The fur starts flying, the coon starts crying and biting, and the cur dog keeps attacking despite being bit. I can't shoot so I'm waiting for something to happen. The coon manages to break free and backs into a corner. I see an opening; I aim and pull the trigger... CLICK.... "DANG SAFETY!!!!" I click the safety off and pop a bullet in him. Gun shots and fireworks work my dog up like a shot of crystal meth in a tweaker who's been off his high for 3 days. This drives the dog wild and he jumps recklessly into action. The scuffle continues wife fur flying and suddenly the coon runs my way. Somehow I developed the unnatural ability to fly backwards while in the crouched position, but the dog saves me and pins that coon. Suddenly the coon breaks free again. I peak back under the deck and the dog is darting left and right. I pop the coon again and it flips over and runs at me but the dog catches him again and tosses him like a rag doll. The coon regains his footing and positions himself between the foundation wall and a deck footer. The dog is still trying to get at him and I managed to let one more bullet fly. the coon does a spaghetti western flop and the dog jumps back into action. This time he gets the neck clamp and it's lights out for the coon.... what a great way to get the blood moving before bed. Wasn't the biggest coon but it had some good fight in it


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