My all time favorite hunting story- Frank Church

I guess i have no sense of humor. Hopefully these young nimrods learned a few things from this ordeal. I was pretty appalled at the idea that pack animals are just expendable hunks of fur and meat. I was also appalled that this a-hole just keeps shooting at an animal with a rifle that is clearly not sighted in. No respect. EWildly irresponsible. I will not let a packhorse carry my rifle.
Wait, are there some hunts that are more successful than this? He did have multiple opportunities for shots at an animal he had a tag for. That’s better than I do most of the time.
Great story! I spent 20 days in that country and didn’t find a good mature ram…

Crossed the middle fork barefoot and in my skivvies!

Love that country. Brings back good memories!

Thanks for the write up!
Growing up, my old man had this habit of bringing out the horses for the first ride of the year during our hunting expeditions. And let me tell you, many of these outings turned out just like this one. There was one particular hunt where we bagged a good-sized elk in a real hellhole. Getting the horses to where the elk was, was out of the question. So, we decided to let the horses go, and pray they ended up back at camp. We made it back to camp around 4 am, exhausted and drenched from the rain. But guess what? All four of our trusty steeds were there, waiting for us.
I guess i have no sense of humor. Hopefully these young nimrods learned a few things from this ordeal. I was pretty appalled at the idea that pack animals are just expendable hunks of fur and meat. I was also appalled that this a-hole just keeps shooting at an animal with a rifle that is clearly not sighted in. No respect. EWildly irresponsible. I will not let a packhorse carry my rifle.
You must be fun at parties.
Fabulous (and damned funny) story - that Middle Fork country is no joke. Spiderman would be challenged in some of the spots in that river corridor.
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