Thanks! Good luck to you too!It looks like you've got a great gear list already. Lots of great insight from folks already. I'll be borrowing from this for my gear list, albeit with some alterations for a late October rifle hunt. Good luck!
Thanks! Good luck to you too!It looks like you've got a great gear list already. Lots of great insight from folks already. I'll be borrowing from this for my gear list, albeit with some alterations for a late October rifle hunt. Good luck!
Depending where you're at there's potential for snow and shit weather late September into October.On the cookware as mentioned above, not taking the whole thing. Just the essentials. I just bought it bc It had the pot/utensils/stand all in one. We are doing a Was just a good price. I'm gonna dump the wrangler pants. Me and two other guys are doing a 7 day backpack hunt. Last full week of September. Haven't got it all in to weigh yet. Everything I chose was the lightest/best quality I could afford for the budget.
Like boots and calls, gear lists are very intimate to the user. For the sake of argument, I'll assume you're doing this in Colorado. I'm not an expert in backpacking or hunting by all means but I have done a few backpack trips for hunting now so take it with a grain if salt...go as light as possible, while staying comfortable.
My trip this year is six nights, 2 miles from the truck, 1850' climb to camp. We hunt out up to another mile and a half from camp as needed. I'm trying to go in with gear, pack, bow, water and food at 45-47 pounds. I too am on a budget as a single income bank of dad with two teen kids and a very expensive wife, lol. I have bought and upgraded over the last few years to a point that I'm pretty comfortable now with what I have. (New tent and bow next year)
Go out there and have some fun and take notes on what worked well, what you'd like to upgrade, and what wasn't used. (I will never pack butthole sandwiches again (Bagel, peanut butter & bacon) at almost a pound son will never pack full CapriSun's...lessons learned.
One last thing, have as much as you want at the truck; food, drinks, clothes, etc. I made that mistake one time on a backpack trip, leaving the house with only my pack and bow. We spent $50 at the nearest McDonalds on the way out because we didn't have anything to eat at the truck and we had just packed a bull out all night.
i also have a bunch of stuff in the truck. the important thing is whats in your pack and having what you need in your pack. when its all said and done, i will weigh in between 50-60 pounds for an 8 day hunt. some of the stuff you have listed seems like you are going to have 70 lbs + and that's alot! have you put all that in your pack and tested your pack out? in 2010 i think it was, i was going to do a 3 or 4 day Backcountry hunt with a 2200 ci pack. that did not turn out like i hoped and i ended up back at base camp. good luck though!
Haven't got it all in to weigh it.
Its a good starter list. I could see you replacing the sleeping bag, pad and tent in the future.I forgot to put somethings. That pad I had bought a few years back, def not the best. Yes, I need to add beanie and gloves. the camp set, I agree, I won't be taking everything in it. Just good price overall. Game bags the local high school sells these heavy trash bags kitchen size for fundraisers, i'll bring those. dad has used in the past and they work great. knife- I decided to go with a razor pack. para cord is a must, headlamp is a must! Thanks for the input. It is nice to get feedback from people who have been there done that!!
Whats it like first two weeks of septSince you mentioned it will be the last week of September, you may actually want to bring those long johns. There have been nights almost every year where I end up sleeping in most of my clothes in my 0 degree bag and am still pretty damn cold. Even with no snow, if it's 20 and windy at night it zaps the heat from everything. If it's not in the budget to get a warmer sleeping bag, I would highly suggest a liner to add especially if your pad isn't super insulated.