My 1988 Quebec/Labrador archery

Apr 8, 2014
18 years old, got to go on a hunt that was an "extra booking". All it cost me was air fare, about $800. was able to shoot 2 bulls back then, the larger unofficially scored 387 7/8" because it cost an extra $100 to bring back racks intact, and I was starting college in a couple weeks. Not a great pic, but shows the spread which was about 65"20140530_063543.jpg
1988….that might have been the last year you could hunt the northern Quebec herds (Leaf River, George River) that were open for hunting. I hunted caribou out of Shefferville a few years prior to you.

I understand both herds basically collapsed and no one seems to know exactly why. I also understand the numbers seems to be inching back up but nothing like it used to be. There is still no hunting season on the horizon.

Has anybody seen any good documentation or articles/links on what caused to dramatic drop in Quebec caribou numbers and projections on the overall health and recovery of the herd?

Caribou populations around the entire northern hemisphere - Europe, Asia, North America - are and have been faltering. Climate Change and weather/habitat conditions associated with it, appears to be the leading cause.
1988….that might have been the last year you could hunt the northern Quebec herds (Leaf River, George River) that were open for hunting. I hunted caribou out of Shefferville a few years prior to you.

I understand both herds basically collapsed and no one seems to know exactly why. I also understand the numbers seems to be inching back up but nothing like it used to be. There is still no hunting season on the horizon.

Has anybody seen any good documentation or articles/links on what caused to dramatic drop in Quebec caribou numbers and projections on the overall health and recovery of the herd?

I thought Quebec was open to NR caribou hunting until about 2017 or so? I arrowed two nice ones back in 2000.

NWT closed Central Canadian Barren Ground Caribou hunting 10 or 15 years ago. Mountain caribou NR hunting remains open in the Mackenzie Mountains.

BC has closed down mountain caribou hunting in the central part of the province and just this year in the NE. Just the NW remains open.

Predators are a big deal and where wolf culls have happened calf recruitment is way up. Hope it continues, they are magnificent animals.

And the original poster got a giant!