Hey all
Thank you so much for sharing this article. I'm a new member on this forum and a complete novice Mule deer hunter. I thought the article was incredibly well done, but it did leave me with a few questions that the cited articles didn't quite answer (at least that I saw).
1) Does anyone know what the "ideal" B

ratio was for this study? Was it 1:1 or skewed more towards 1:4 as one would expect to see in a trophy management strategy?
2) I thought fig. 3 had some really remarkable findings. Fig 3 shows that both Texas and North Dakota are doing exceptionally well. I would like to know how a comparison of certain other parameters may have been at play here such as; average precipitation, hunter participation (specifically mule deer hunter participation), elevation as it may pertain to the severity of winter storms, and lastly interspecies competition with white tailed deer.
3) If you compare just Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah; Idaho scores the lowest of the four in Mule deer population per acre and all three Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah all have a relatively similar score. However, Idaho and Utah both score fairly high in figure 2 (Quality Metric per State). I am curious how the author would explain the correlation. I wonder what Quality Metric parameter or parameters these states share, if any.