Mtn lion(s) kill 15 dogs in 30 days (Colorado)

Oct 10, 2018
i had to skip ahead the last 5 pages because of the BS... i used to live in Ned and know many of the people in the story! Most of the people there are anti-hunting but not everyone. I agree with one of the earlier posters when he said something to the effect of "if i asked if i could put my hounds out on a track i would be refused." Folks want to live in nature but can't deal with the cats getting too close to the house. I think it is part of the deal you sign up for - when you live in the cats' home they are going to live there too! They eat - sometimes the easiest meal they can find ... most often that would be a pet. I think the real issue is that it seems there are specific cats that are now targeting dogs. They have no fear of humans. Particularly dumb imo is the statement that hunters are decimating the deer population there so the cats are targeting pets as their best food source! i would look into the statement about the Gross dam expansion as a potential reason for the cats relocating westward into the more populated area in the vicinity.
Ned is in Boulder county, so it is easy to rag on these perceived anti-hunting yet nature-loving folks. it is interesting that this cat killed is the one that was on CU campus scaring the s!$* out of the students, was relocated to prime habitat, then made it south to gilpin county. so much for relocation... which is probably what most of the animal - lovers would hope CPW would do... As stated in the article, none of the licenses sold in the past couple years led to cougar harvest. There are tons of deer tags that go unsold each year because of the lack of opportunity to hunt private land and the limited amount of public land to effectively hunt.

Killing a couple mountain lions to spare some pets would open up a can of worms as setting a precedent for future (and present) wolf conflicts! Ranchers over here on western slope have already lost cattle to wolves in Walden... bet they wish they could do something about it....