I understand that there is a problem when 1000 head invade your hay stacks and winter wheat crops, tear down fences, congregate on roads making travel difficult... something needs to be done to help minimize their footprint. I just feel like shoulder seasons are too little too late.
With my profession I talk to about 20 patients a day. Almost all of the hunt, or have family that hunts. The one overwhelming problem i hear complaints about is ACCESS to the elk. It takes these animals about 3 hours into the general season to realize its time to move to private land... or at least land that is locked to hunters by private land. Montana has very liberal seasons. They do this to allow more opportunities for hunters... The problem is that for nearly 3 months these animals are harassed. When there is that type of pressure on public land for that long with that high of a concentration of hunters... the animals are either killed or on private. Every state has access issues, every state deals with private lands locking away opportunities, I just feel that the long seasons put added stress on these animals to the point where their only chance of survival is making their way to private land. Once they figure that out for a few generations, there is never a stimulus to leave.
I am not saying that every land owner should allow public access. But more concentration of controlled BMA permission areas and access to locked public land would go a long way. The hunting lobby tries every legislative cycle to pass access laws. The most recent big loss for hunters was the corner jumping bill. Allowing us to corner jump checkerboarded public land would allow access to thousands of acres of land without ever laying a step on private land... why does this bill fail? It seems like a no brainer... let the public onto public land right? NO the legislature has a VERY strong tie to the big ranchers and farmers. They don't want it because it will mess up their guiding and private sanctuary hunting opportunities.
Not to get on a soapbox... but as long as all we are willing to do is bitch on forums and in coffee shops, nothing will get done. Get involved, RMEF, MDF and many other sportsmans lobby groups are out there. We need to do our part to get the grassroots message out there to the legislators. It isn't hard, it just takes an organized effort by the masses. Hunters make up a HUGE percentage of the citizens in the state. If we group together and send a message, things will happen.