MSR Reactor Help

Aug 4, 2013
Looking at the MSR Reactor, but wanted to see what those of you who use them think about...1) sizing, the 1.7 L seems better than the 1 L in all aspects besides weight, am I missing something? 2) seems like a lighter or match would be tricky not to burn your fingers when igniting, what do you guys use to light them up? Thanks.
I use a lighter with no problems. The only way I would buy the 1.7 is if it I was only using it for glacier mountaineering. Then you spend a lot of time melting snow.
I use the 1.0. Lights easily with a match. I prefer it for solo trips, and I've also used it to boil water for a partner (mountain house meals) on 3-day trips with only one canister of fuel. It's so fast you can quickly boil two pots if needed for two guys.
Looking at the MSR Reactor, but wanted to see what those of you who use them think about...1) sizing, the 1.7 L seems better than the 1 L in all aspects besides weight, am I missing something? 2) seems like a lighter or match would be tricky not to burn your fingers when igniting, what do you guys use to light them up? Thanks.

I like mine a lot. I use my 1.7L for raft trips and large group trips and use the 1 for all other situations. I used 1 fuel canister for a 7 day sheep hunt for two people boiling water twice a day and did not run out of fuel. They are slightly heavier but mine is well worth the weight penalty for the fuel conservation, being wind proof, and for how quick it boils water!!!
I have the original 1.7 litre. Works excellent boiling water for two Mountain house meals at a time. 3 min flat. Tried the 1 litre but found it okay for solo, but too small for two or more people. Even solo I usually will pack the 1.7 as it holds the stove and large gas canister in a nice tight package. Remember that you need some room for when the water boils. Another reason I prefer the 1.7.
I have the original 1.7 litre. Works excellent boiling water for two Mountain house meals at a time. 3 min flat. Tried the 1 litre but found it okay for solo, but too small for two or more people. Even solo I usually will pack the 1.7 as it holds the stove and large gas canister in a nice tight package. Remember that you need some room for when the water boils. Another reason I prefer the 1.7.

Like stress said 1.7 for two man hunting party. Two mountain houses and sometimes a small cup of coffee. I use my jet boil zip for solo, and the MSR if I hunt with a friend. Works great though. Solid product!
The 1.0 is plenty big for one or two people. Very easy to light. I use a bic lighter. It is heavier and bulkier than the Jetboil Sol I had but I like it a lot more. It is an awesome stove.
Thanks for the replies. I just ordered a 1.7 L from backcountryedge (with their 20% off deal). While I was looking at stoves they had an MSR Igniter and Optimus Sparky in with the stoves so I didn't know if those were what you needed for the reactor type stoves or not, but if a $1 bic works that's good enough for me. While looking into backpacking stoves I noticed Jetboil has some fancy coffee deal for their stoves, is there something similar for the MSR, or what do you guys do? In the past (vacation truck type camping in national park) we've just used Starbucks Via packets, so do we do that and bring cups or is there a secret mountain coffee trick?
MSR has a coffee press. It works well but normally for backpacking/hunting I still just use the Via packets. For rafting the coffee press gets used.
I use the Starbucks packs for hunting. For an overnight backpack I usually carry a French press that I picked up at Fred Meyer!
I use the 1.7 and love it. It gets used a lot during duck season where I might be boiling water for a blind full of guys. So far its been perfect. Seems bomb proof and I love the way everything fits well inside the pot.

Not a crucial concern for most, but I always like to think of the survival utility of my gear as well. With a slightly larger pot, you would be able to capture more water via rain, run off, condensation etc. Just something to think about.