Mountain Whitetail Kill Kit

Whats the saw for? I can see a small saw for pruning if you are hunting out of a stand, but imo its not at all necessary otherwise. If you need a saw the outdoor edge or gerber ones are pretty light and easy to grip and work fine on both wood and bone. But to break down and bone out a whitetail imo nothing more is needed than a good fixed blade knife, 2-3 big game bags, a length or two of 550 cord, and a pack to carry it in. Maybe a litttle tarp to lay meat on. perhaps a small touch up hone, but even with inexpensive knives Ive never had a problem breaking down more than 1 deer before needing a touchup. I love my havalon for birds but have broken one too many blades inside the cavity and had to go fishing for it—that may be my clumsiness but I prefer a fixed blade knife.
I do like the first aid idea above—I have one friend in particular who cant seem to break down an animal without slicing himself…may start carrying just for him!
Saw is for splitting pelvis. I've been told you can spread/force legs down and then pull up on tail to break it but never could replicate. Have a 3 bladed Browning knife that includes a saw and gut blade.

We used to hunt with emergency blanket (silver thingy), knife, matches, couple extra rounds of ammo, length of parachute cord, and something to snack on thru the day - all in a fanny pack.

I'm up to a day pack cause I will carry a game camera, cable lock, and change of clothes sometimes.
Interesting. Ive never split the pelvis on a deer either gutting/dragging or field quartering. Guess thats why I dont carry a saw! 😁
Interesting. Ive never split the pelvis on a deer either gutting/dragging or field quartering. Guess thats why I dont carry a saw! 😁
Same here. No pelvis splitting. I do carry the Silky Pocket Boy, fantastic tool for cutting limbs, shooting lanes or making brush blinds or cutting about anything.
This and a bag to put your meat in is literally all you need. I just came out with an elk, I can't count how many elk this knife has touched....north of 30 for sure. It simply works.

You need a knife and a bag for meat. If required to maintain evidence of sex, I use a latex glove or ziploc bag and a ziptie to secure it.
Wyoming saw, benchmade altitude, worksharp, I bring space blankets too if I need to lay meat out while quartering (clean surface that takes no space)
I think these guys have you covered. I haven't pulled a deer out in several years after packing one for the first time. Only time ill drag is if I'm on some private, flat ground with an ATV Lol
I think these guys have you covered. I haven't pulled a deer out in several years after packing one for the first time. Only time ill drag is if I'm on some private, flat ground with an ATV Lol
This is the truth. I hunted some public and was probably 150-200 yards from the truck and shot one that morning cut it up and carried it out. That afternoon I shot another one and figured I'd drag it to the truck and clean it at my buddies under a street light after dragging it I decided it wasn't worth it
Game bags
trash bags
Knife and sharpener
Silky Saw
Nitrile gloves

Another vote for the silky saw. Used one this year and it is now a permanent fixture in my daypack.
I will say. I’ve used a saw and also taking apart at the joints. I find the joints take far less effort and leaving the saw cuts some weight. I do have a small havalon saw but it’s part of my multi tool that also can change to a changeable blade knife.
When I hunted remote on public land with a saddle, I had setup a Mystery Ranch PopUp 28 with:

3 Contractor Trash Bags
Havalon Knives (2)
Rubber Gloves
Spare Headlamp
550 chord

I’d toss a tourniquet in there and maybe some sterile 4x4’s (quick clot 4x4’s are even better) just in case. They’re small, lightweight and will save your life in a bad situation.

Keep it simple, lightweight and easily packable. I’d focus more on the pack than anything IMO
I have done it a few ways. Dragging 2+ miles (will never do that again), stashing game carts in strategic areas during preseason (this works well), and boning out in the woods and carrying out using a contractor bag (my new favorite).

That being said, my kill kit consists of: rubber gloves, zip ties, knife sharpener, contractor bag and an Outdoor Edge WildGuide knife set (includes caping blade, skinning blade, and saw blade)
One good reason I carry a saw is because Im not good at caping out a deer. So if its a nice buck that Im going to want to mount, Im going to cape it down to the head then sever it at C2 or so with the saw. Ill let the taxidermist do the hard part.

If its not a deer Im interested in mounting then it isnt really necessary, but might make some aspects easier.
I love these threads! Great to see what other guys are running. We still have to drag 'em where I'm @. Wish we could pack them out!