Mountain hunting sidearm

I carry a XD .45 with custom loaded hardcast bullets in razco bino holster. I like the fact that it does not interfere with anything while archery hunting.

Practice is paramount when using any piece of equipment. More so when carrying a piece of equipment that could potentially save your life.

How many of you have a weapon mounted flashlight?
Gawd, we are a bunch of hunters…one would think we know by now its all about training…but every year guys use these backup guns with only a few rounds down the tube.
Totally this.

I shot a pistol class last weekend and one of the attendees was also re-qualifying for his CCW. He qualified but based on his shooting acknowledged he had not shot the pistol he carries everyday since his previous qualification two years prior. Crazy
I shoot quite a bit. The recoil of a light 44 mag is something else. S&W 329PD also has an alloy strip down the back of the center of the grip. After purchasing the gun I had a flinch at first, I worked though it with a session of a few hundred rounds, but ended the day with a blood blister down the palm of my hand. That said I bought a G20 and plan on taking it this year in a Grizzly area hunt. So what I'm getting at is train with your choice. The 329PD is an awesome weapon but hard to shoot, I have a titanium 357 2.5" snubnose that's nice to shoot but is ported, also a FA 454 that's a handful but tame compared to the 329PD, but it's heavy & single action. Probably will look into getting the 44 ported & see if it helps, definitely like the reliability of revolvers, but will be using solids in all sidearms for bear defense.
I use my Sig XTen when archery hunting. I have a home made chest holster that I carry it in, fits behind my bino harness and can be drawn from there.
In black bear country!

I carry either a S&W J frame Model 360 357 mag 3". Buffalo Bore recommends their Outdoorsman load in 38 Special with 158 grain Hardcast bullets in these lightweight revolvers. Gun has Crimson Trace green laser sight.

Second is Sig 365 XL with optic and light. 12 rounds of Buffalo Bore Outdoorman 147 gr Hardcast ammo.

Also carry bear pepper spray to use first or last. I like the motto "Two is One, and One is None""
How many of you carry a sidearm while mountain hunting? The weight seems excessive for the benefits. Seems like bear spray and then unslinging my hunting rifle would do the job. I have a Glock 20 and hunt sheep and goats in south central AK. Thanks.
I carry one here in Idaho. Hard cast bullets that reliably penetrate are essential but often overlooked.
XDM 5.25 10mm, 15 rds if you miss alot.LOl. Just wish there was more leather and chest rig options for the 5.25. I like the G20's, but hard to come by recently for some reason.
I carry a couple FULL SIZE Reese’s cups. Not sure there is a situation that couldn’t be resolved with that. And before you ask no you can’t skimp if you’re going ultralight. It has to be full size, after all your life may be in danger if not. Don’t compromise.

There’s never been a documented case of someone being injured by a bear if they pull out a Reese’s cup ( full size) vs a pistol/spray
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If I can’t get everything out in a single load, subsequent loads I’ve ditched the rifle for my S&W 69.
If I can’t get everything out in a single load, subsequent loads I’ve ditched the rifle for my S&W 69.

I used to do the same until I ran into a couple of wolves at about 100y and while I pulled my pistol in the hopes they might come closer they eventually sensed something and took off.
I carry a couple FULL SIZE Reese’s cups. .....

There’s never been a documented case of someone being injured by a bear if they pull out a Reese’s cup ( full size) vs a pistol/spray
I did some extensive research to check your claims and YOU ARE RIGHT there have never been a case of Reese's failure. Not one.

The data would suggest those Reeses offer incredible protection and are very effective....but it's probably not a good idea to smear them all over your tent as a deterrent.
I did some extensive research to check your claims and YOU ARE RIGHT there have never been a case of Reese's failure. Not one.

The data would suggest those Reeses offer incredible protection and are very effective....but it's probably not a good idea to smear them all over your tent as a deterrent.
If I'm going to die of a bear attack, I'd much rather do it while eating Reese's Cups and laughing in the face of my furry attacker.
I always do. 2 3/4" S&W .500 in a Diamond D guide's choice holster. I always strive to shave wt. and pack as UL as possible, but this is the one thing that I decided to make an exception on. I did use it once for it's intended purpose, and it worked very well, so I think I'll just keep carrying it.
329PD with 275 gr LBT WFN up the spout at 1000 fps. As well, been carrying a S&W MP40 with 200 gr buffalo bore hard cast at times. Practice with either is paramount, there's no free lunch with light weight sidearms. Gotta get used to the fact recoil is part of the game. REALLY interesting there isn't a thread about "38 Special from a 2" bbl" for bear defense.
I am debating taking my S&W scandium frame 5 shot 357 with a 2” barrel. OR ruger LCRx 38+P.

Both 5 shots. I shoot the ruger more accurately in single and double action. I assume due to longer barrel and longer grip.

Loaded the weight difference is not noticeable.