Mountain goat now, or sheep later.. maybe never

I tell you what. You go kill a sheep and I’ll take you for Mountain Goat in AK for cost. All you pay for is your flight in and or course tags etc. I hate to see someone give up on their dream. I’m dead serious. Air charter in is around 2500. Tags and license is under 1000.00.

Book the sheep. And you’ll get a goat for cheap. 😀
If I kill my sheep in Mexico in the next few weeks, can I take you up on the goat offer? All so I can help the OP make a decision on which hunt to go on and give him my experience of each 🙂
I tell you what. You go kill a sheep and I’ll take you for Mountain Goat in AK for cost. All you pay for is your flight in and or course tags etc. I hate to see someone give up on their dream. I’m dead serious. Air charter in is around 2500. Tags and license is under 1000.00.

Book the sheep. And you’ll get a goat for cheap. 😀
Can I take you up on this deal too!?
From a financial angle, think of it like this:

Most outfitters are booked years in advance for sheep (we will use Dall sheep as an example) in my experience calling folks in January of 2024, Yukon, NWT, or Alaska (most of Canada is 3-4 years out, Alaska was 2 years out).

Lets say you get a hunt booked today for NWT in 2029, you have a deposit now (say $10,000), but then you pay installments over the years or the remainder of the cost 3-4 months before your trip. If you have enough for the down payment, the questions becomes can you save the rest over 4 years? Plus don't forget cash is getting 4% right now in money market accounts, you can raise hundreds, maybe even a couple thousand dollars just on interest (depending on how much you start with), and if you book now the cost of the hunt does not go up (the incidentals will, so factor that in). Might mean you forgo some things (a new car, out of state hunts, other vacations, etc), but you do what it takes, which one keeps you up at night, goats or sheep?

Never been on a goat or sheep hunt, so what do I know about how the hunts compare, I just know I am in your shoes and gaming out how to make the finances work.
I had always dreamed of both a sheep and a goat hunt and was able to do both in the last 4 years, goat in BC and sheep in the NWT. Both hunts were amazing, everything I had dreamed of and more. I’m just a middle class working guy but I saved the down payment and booked the hunts. Then I made sacrifices to come up with the rest in the multiple years I had between booking and the hunt dates. Like not buying lunch everyday just packing my lunch from home, don’t hit the coffee stand every day, don’t buy the latest bow or gear as it comes out, drive used older vehicles, do weekend work, it all adds up over time. If your dream is to hunt sheep my advice is to book the hunt, once you sign the contract you will figure out the money part.
I've done both sheep and goats. Goat can be much more challenging due to the terrain they live in. Unless you just have to have a sheep on the wall, you can do several goat hunts for the price of a sheep hunt.
If you eventually can afford both, then do goat first. As others have said, if sheep is ultimately the goal, save up for sheep and just do a sheep. Though, not sure how many sheep hunts are still out there in that $20-$25K range and prices seem to climb every year. In the mean time to sorta scratch the itch, have you thought of Aoudad in NM or TX? Lots of quality free range and have heard some outfitters will do backpack foot hunt too if desired and requested. I’ve been fortunate to hunt all 3.
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