Moultrie Mobile releases Edge Pro for 2023–review in progress

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
I ran the Edges for 2022 into 2023 (thread here )

Very happy with those.

Two have been in operation in the field 12 months next week with no battery change.

To be fair, they were in check-in mode (camera checks in daily to network but doesn’t send photos) from mid November to Early July but came right back online when I set the app to send images.

I had a 3rd one that failed after 6 months but they replaced it and it’s going on 45 days right now.

For 2023, The Edge Pros employ new technologies to reduce unwanted images, and consequently improve battery life. (links to cams here and plans here. Pretty reasonable compared to fuel!)

Cams around that 130-140$ range

plans from 9-22$/month. I'm on the Pro with 4 cams, so 22/month

Smart Capture

& Detection Zones

Video below, explains it more

Moultrie is a sponsor and sent me two of the Edge Pros. They’re still in the box but I’ll be firing them up in the next week or two. I’ll start updating the thread when I do. Let me know if you got any questions and be sure and watch that video

If anyone has the Edge Pros, feel free to post on this thread. If the Edges, post on that thread linked above. Thanks!

Edge Pro Product Card.png
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Just set up my two new Edge Pros.

Took less than 10 minutes from opening the box to receiving images.

I’m indoors so didn’t get to test the False Trigger Elimination (FTE), Smart Zone, and the Smart Capture, but will have these in the field in the next few days to test all that.

I did test the Live Aim feature. Cam connects to phone via Bluetooth and gives a live video feed of what the camera is seeing. Super helpful for set up to make sure the camera is pointing and see what I want. It’ll also be imperative for using the FTE.

With the Smart Zone, I can block out sections of the view, like branches moving in the wind, to eliminate more false triggers.

On the Smart Capture, the original Edges have that technology BUT it’s applied after the image uploads. That means I still get the images sent to the app (and corresponding loss of battery to transmit) but the app only shows me what I’ve I told it to—in my case–bucks/does.

But with the Pros, they actually use AI to filter the images BEFORE they’re transmitted, so I save on battery not sending images of anything besides bucks/does—make sense?

All of this tech is designed to increase battery life, crucial for cell cams. While the original Edge’s were good on batteries, these should be better.

I’ll keep this thread updated.
Got one of the Edge Pro 2s deployed. Sorry, I won’t show a pic (Too much skyline) but can tell you the Live Aim was really helpful to set the camera up—allows user see in real time the exact view that will be captured in the pictures. I was able to optimize the capture area to hit the trail/saddle exactly as I can tell deer cross it.

To note, it was a clear view with no branches so I didn’t have to use the Smart Zones to reduce false triggers, but good to know we have that option.

One more Edge Pro to deploy once I find a good spot, so more updates to come.
I won't touch a Moultrie after the launch of the Delta. Those things were complete trash, black pictures at night and spotty day time pictures.

Moultrie kept their customers hanging, saying a software update was coming. Conveniently, that update didn't come until after the cams were out of warranty. So once you got sick of waiting and wanted a refund, oops, sorry, you've had the camera too long.

My father in law has a delta that to this day still takes black night time pictures.

Fool me once.
I won't touch a Moultrie after the launch of the Delta. Those things were complete trash, black pictures at night and spotty day time pictures.

Moultrie kept their customers hanging, saying a software update was coming. Conveniently, that update didn't come until after the cams were out of warranty. So once you got sick of waiting and wanted a refund, oops, sorry, you've had the camera too long.

My father in law has a delta that to this day still takes black night time pictures.

Fool me once.
I understand and would feel the same way.

None of those problems in the Edge or Edge PRO and if they show up, I'll post on here.
Moultrie also has multiple accessories to run with the Edge Pro or the Edge. I didn’t receive any of this yet but am on the list to receive the rechargeable lithium. I just spend some dough on lithiums to get the two Pros set up and would love a recharge option. PRetty sure you could save some money on that route

Here’s a quick breakdown:
· Toggle between 6V and 12V output

· Built-in rechargeable battery capacity to get through the cloudy, overcast days

· Offers approximately 1,000 charge cycles, equivalent to more than 16,000 alkaline AA batteries

· Multi-direction adjustment for easy aiming and clear views

· 16-gauge powder-coated steel for long-lasting durability that won't interfere with cellular connectivity
Just purchased a pack of Two of these .....worried they won't get reception where I wanna put them ...hoping they work , especially with the hefty yearly price to have Two connected.

Anyway , what kind of platters life are yall getting with these when n using lithium batteries , as well as in cold Temps?...I live in western New York and we get Temps into the single digits often ...and spend most of our winter with below 30 degrees.
Just purchased a pack of Two of these .....worried they won't get reception where I wanna put them ...hoping they work , especially with the hefty yearly price to have Two connected.

Anyway , what kind of platters life are yall getting with these when n using lithium batteries , as well as in cold Temps?...I live in western New York and we get Temps into the single digits often ...and spend most of our winter with below 30 degrees.
I have one that was set mid September, at 9k feet (think cold) and it's still showing 100% battery on lithiums. It was sending dozens of pics/day first 7 weeks but now only sending a test image a day as the game has migrated out of that country.
We have three now and they have much better battery life than the Spypoint they replaced. Batteries last a few months honestly. Dozens of pictures, multiple times a day, high quality. We have been very pleased so far.
We have three now and they have much better battery life than the Spypoint they replaced. Batteries last a few months honestly. Dozens of pictures, multiple times a day, high quality. We have been very pleased so far.
alkaline or lithium?
Do these things have the capability to set up with solar panel .....curious because of the DC jack on bottom...and to answer you questions ...yes I'm jarring venison in the background


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I got the other Edge Pro out in mid December so it’s been a month.

It’s a low activity area (ridge with faint trail) but only place I found that concentrated deer in the area.

Used the Live Aim Bluetooth to set up. I didn’t need the Smart Zones because using Live Aim, I could see branches to cut, but to show you how it works, I included some screenshots. If I couldn’t have cut that branch I highlighted, I could’ve just just eliminated them from triggering camera.



Been receiving at least a test picture every day since then and because I had to face the camera Southeast, I’m getting a lot of sunrise triggers. Here’s a high resolution image from just a few days ago


And another one a few weeks back

This next photo is just standard definition, but I want to include it because if you look out on the horizon, it seems to be able to pick up deer at quite a distance.


Because of the rising sun issue, I have received hundreds and hundreds of photos. But I’m still showing battery at 100%. My next step is to figure out how to use the AI so I can only receive pictures of bucks. Maybe that will eliminate the sunrise issue?
I ran an Edge and Edge Pro this past season. The Edge was fine, albeit slow to send pictures. I'd walk past and sometimes it would be 20s other times an hour before they showed up. The images were okay at best. The Edge Pro provided better images, but had issues and needed to be returned. It burned through a 10 Ah lithium external battery every few days, with lights staying on after it triggered. I never tested the new one.
I ran an Edge and Edge Pro this past season. The Edge was fine, albeit slow to send pictures. I'd walk past and sometimes it would be 20s other times an hour before they showed up. The images were okay at best. The Edge Pro provided better images, but had issues and needed to be returned. It burned through a 10 Ah lithium external battery every few days, with lights staying on after it triggered. I never tested the new one.
thanks for your feedback

I did have one Edge fail after 6 months in the field, they replaced and now going on another 6 months with no issues.
Photo Jun 10 2024, 10 18 26 AM.png

Photo Jun 10 2024, 10 54 03 AM (1).jpg

Photo Jun 10 2024, 10 54 03 AM.jpg

Photo Jun 10 2024, 10 15 33 AM.png

Per the earlier posts, I put the Edge Pros out in December. Pulled in late May. Super happy with the over-winter performance. Pics (or test pic) came daily and I could actually detect when the migration started as I saw less deer daily until it went and stayed at zero.

The battery life is still at 100% (lithium) after 6 months and probably 1000 images, some in below zero temps.
The false trigger technology and the AI screening for bucks/does and only connecting to the network when detected, really improves battery life. Loving the image quality, battery life, and the fact that (to my knowledge) never lost connectivity to the network. If it did, it reconnected automatically, and I never had to revisit the area to reconnect.

I pulled the cam and have it back out in another area now, so I'll update later.
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Next thing I want to share about is the Filter and Smart Tags features

Filters: just wish I would have dove deeper into them when I first got the cams. Along with the Smart Tags (Camera identifys bucks ((or whatever you choose)) and only sends those), they're helpful on not having so many pics to sort, but when you have 4 cams running, you still get lots of images. The filters on the app side can be set to a partcicular cam>dates>bucks (or deer or bucks/does)>and even date ranges.

then I can get to certain bucks or days in a hurry. So much more efficient than scroll scroll..

there's also many other filters like moon phase, high res pics only (very handy because you'll tend to select high-res for your best images/bucks), temp (does animal activity peak/wane with temps?), barometric pressure!, day/night, etc.

So best practice is to learn your filtering options sooner rather than later.

I'll never have to sort through 10K pics again!