Most over-rated Bourbon?


Dec 24, 2020
Athol, Id. USA
I've noticed that I don't care as much for some of the highly sought after bourbons as I used to. Some have dropped in quality, IMHO, so much that I don't even buy them when I get the chance anymore.

For me Blantons and Wellers top my list. Local store had several Blanton bottles up front, the clerk pointed them out all proud of himself. I passed.

Another that keeps getting recommended is Buffalo Trace. I really don't care for it much. It's ok, but again it's over priced swill compared to several others in the same price range.

What are your most over-rated?
What are you not buying?
I agree with the Blanton's, it must be an acquired taste. I agree with above, Buff Trace doesn't do it for me but is modestly priced.

I am a fan of Wellers myself.

I've tried some of the high end 18-21 year old Scotches in bars and again, it must be an acquired taste as I'd just assume a good 12 year single malt.

A bar tender in DC gave my wife and I a taste of this one earlier this year. It was great but not $600 per bottle retail good.

Pappy. I know it's 'rare' (you know retail is only $80, right?) But it's honestly just a middle of the road whiskey.
I don't drink anymore, but when I did I actually got hold of a bottle & almost had an 'opening ceremony' with some good friends. None of us had ever tried it before & we were all like "meh"
Massive hype over nothing if you ask me.
I would disagree with Buffalo Trace. I am not on the hype train but it is good for the price. It has to be rationed here in Virginia and you rarely find it as it sells out within hours of arrival. Not a fan of Blantons.
From this thread, I’ve gathered most of you guys don’t have the pallet for anything buffalo trace distillery (buffalo trace, eagle rare, Blantons, EH Taylor, and Pappy).

I do agree that pappy isn’t worth what people pay for it second hand. EH Taylor small batch is probably my favorite BT product. Eagle Rare is hard to beat for the money.

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I'm a fan of the buffalo trace products but I do agree that they are over hyped. My theory is the allocation and hard to find nature of the bottles drive the sales. If they were readily available on the shelves, I don't think sales would be as high. Having said that I'm grabbing Blanton's every chance I get and truly enjoy the taste.
Its all taste, just like food. No way I will pay what some high end places want for a steak. Not worth it to me. To others it is.
The cheaper Wellers are drain pours. Blantons is good but definitely not worth the hype, plenty of better whiskeys around the same price point.
Personally I think Eagle Rare is overhyped, it has no real flavor to it at all. Based off the names I'm seeing, it's funny how they are all made by the Buffalo Trace brand, coincidence? :cautious:
Eagle Rare is a gullet burner. I had a chance to get some at $20/bottle a few years ago so I bought a case. After drinking half a bottle I started giving it as gifts until it was gone.

I know this thread is about what not to get, but these days I'm drinking Larceny and Old Granddad
Hollow Creek Distillery in SC makes some good whiskey. High Cotton is the name of it. Recently got some maple ,limited run, to try. Really good stuff. 40.00 per bottle.

Pappy. I know it's 'rare' (you know retail is only $80, right?) But it's honestly just a middle of the road whiskey.
I don't drink anymore, but when I did I actually got hold of a bottle & almost had an 'opening ceremony' with some good friends. None of us had ever tried it before & we were all like "meh"
Massive hype over nothing if you ask me.
I think the hype on pappy is the older bottles. Someone had either a 23 or 25 year pappy at a gathering and it was quite amazing, but not a $80 bottle. Even though it was good, not worth what a bottle is going for now.