The problem with the wolf introduction is that the entire project has been based on multiple lies. Some or all of the money used to do the reintroduction was from the Pittman-Robertson Fund that we all have paid into:
The next lie had to do with how many wolves that we would have to have to de-list and be allowed to manage ( hunt & trap) them. They would still not be de-listed if Congress didn't bypass our good judge from Missoula, MT.
The wolves were knowingly introduced into areas carrying parasites that possibly kill big game animals like moose:
I have tried to research dollar amounts that Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have received to re-introduce wolves and then "manage" them and have had no success. I think if you knew how much money they received it would be a staggering amount, all the while collecting my money and yours for licenses for a declining big game hunting opportunity. If someone else knows these amounts please post them and the source.
Not only have the wolves killed the big game animals we all love, they have killed countless cattle, horses, sheep, dogs, cats and other pets and livestock. The so-called reimbursement monies provided by special interest groups and government funding would be yet another lie from this fiasco. It isn't bad enough that your animal has been killed and eaten, you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that wolves did this. Most people give up because the criteria for receiving the payout is ridiculously unreasonable.
It is easy for some people that are good hunters or that live in areas of some of these states (like eastern Montana) to say the wolves haven't really had a big impact because they still get their elk every year. You would be wrong. They have had a big impact. I have no problem getting animals. I am not lazy. That doesn't somehow make the population comparable to pre-wolf numbers. The gentleman that lives in the Bitteroot Valley that says the wolves haven't impacted the elk down there. Why don't you look at the season and tag allotments for HD 250. Only 25 special draw tags for the entire season and it is brow tine bull only. You can't take a cow elk even with a bow. Ask the locals what the hunting was like prior to wolves. If you think it is the mountain lions that did this you would be incorrect.
There will be no easy answer to this problem. It is unfortunate how it has divided the hunting community. I will not personally purchase a tag for wolves ever because I will not support a program based on lies. People will believe what they believe, but numbers don't lie. As far as I can tell, the Montana FWP site only goes back to 2004 with the published data on harvest. It would be interesting to see the pre-wolf data as a comparison. Even though we may be in disagreement on the appropriateness of killing wolves out of season - the wolves are killing 365 days a year and I haven't found one that starved to death yet. The evidence was probably eaten by the other wolves.