There are plenty of wolves in my favorite hunting spot.
I could care less how they are classified. It will probably not make a significant difference one way or the other in terms of overall populations. I didn't want them here in the first place, but they are and the reality is, they aren't going to "destroy" hunting.
I'm sure plenty of farmers and ranchers feel the same way about deer and elk as you do about wolves. Would it be okay for them to shoot out of season all the time?
I am a rancher Jason.
And that is precisely why I don't feel the same way about wolves as I do my deer and elk. I don't want to lose even one of my game animals to wolf predation. I willingly share my land and my crops with my game animals. I don't know of any farmer or rancher in my area that wishes wolves would kill the game animals that frequent their fields.
I think you presume to know a lot more than you do.
Here's hoping your back yard is full of all the apex predators we can send your way. You will be welcome to them.